.257 Roberts

You know, If a guy absolutely was dead set on using Lapua brass, which I am... He could form .257 Roberts from .30-06 or 9.3x62mm Brass. By doing this you would end up with long cases which need to be shortened, and very thick necks that need to be turned. And that could be considered good (you can turn them to fit your chamber) or Bad (as in Pain in the A$$). But it could be done. Headstamp would be confusing.

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The 257 Bob is one great cartridge . The one I have is a Remington 700 Classic. The only thing I did was free float the barrel and bed the action. I have taken many deer and antelope using just the 87 gr. BB but I mostly shoot P-Dogs using the 75 gr hp. And it shoots pretty darn good.

The 257 Bob is one great cartridge . The one I have is a Remington 700 Classic. The only thing I did was free float the barrel and bed the action. I have taken many deer and antelope using just the 87 gr. BB but I mostly shoot P-Dogs using the 75 gr hp. And it shoots pretty darn good.

Nice group,,interesting that you have the 700 classic.
I thought of buying one last year, but the looks of the stainless fluted barrel just dont make it a 'classic' in my eyes, plus I heard they were being built on short actions.
Have you run into any problem with the short action mag length, forcing heavy bullets to be seated deep ??
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Ackley said in his book that case was the most improved of all the ones he did.

Actually, according to a Bob Jourdan article on AI cartridges, the Roberts case was # 8 on the list of most improved cases with a velocity gain of 9% over the standard factory load, and 4 % gain over the W-W +P load. It was bested by 25/35 WCF (#1 @ 25% gain), 250 Savage (#3 @ 17% gain), 6.5 x 55 (#4 @ 14% gain)
Yooo Vin.... I bought this classic new back in the early 80's. I believe the 257 Roberts was the first classic that Remington put out. The second was the 250 Savage..
Actually, according to a Bob Jourdan article on AI cartridges, the Roberts case was # 8 on the list of most improved cases with a velocity gain of 9% over the standard factory load, and 4 % gain over the W-W +P load. It was bested by 25/35 WCF (#1 @ 25% gain), 250 Savage (#3 @ 17% gain), 6.5 x 55 (#4 @ 14% gain)

P. O. Ackley had his name attached to many improved cartridges and wildcats that he never had anything to do with. He never tried to stake a claim on any of them. Many of the cartridges that Jourdan tested and ranked were not AI cartridges, and some, like the 6.5x55, were his own pets.

And, velocity gain in numbers is not always the best measure of an improved cartridge's worth.

Yooo Vin.... I bought this classic new back in the early 80's. I believe the 257 Roberts was the first classic that Remington put out. The second was the 250 Savage..

Roger that, appreciate the reply :)
I really like those older classics, but only have the 6.5x55 one myself, from 92' IIRC.
I'm not so crazy about the new ones, though I guess their not really called 'classics' anymore, but 'limited editions'.
Cheers, YV