25 yard air vs. 50 yard rimfire...



For those who have shot both, on identical days, with the same shooter using good equipment (Joe F. are you there?) which would score better at their respective distances? Air at 25 or rimfire at 50?

My experience with the Airguns is very limited (2 matches), but I've got a 40X rimfire that shot over twenty 250's last year, and the .22 Theoben Rapid I shot last weekend would definitely give the 40X some stiff competition. The .177 Rapid wasn't far behind. Just my opinion, and I'll be interested to see what some of the guys that have shot more airgun than I have will say.
That depends

If you are talking about Match class guns I find that the wind has more effect on pellets at 25 yds than on rimfire at 50 yards, when it comes to unlimited class it is much closer. One big differance is that with the airgun your shooting at 25 yards which means fewer shifitng breezes to shoot through so it's a bit easier to judge which way it's going to go. That's just my opinion of course but in a couple of years of shooting USBR targets with both that's what my scores show.

Hands down I'll answer your question:....... Depends

If the wind is less than 10 mph

The air rifle will out shoot almost every 22 rifle I have ever seen shoot.

I certainly don't claim to be the best rimfire shooter nor the best air rifle shooter but in my exprience my air rifles will out perform my rimfire rifles provided the wind is less than 10 mph.
Hoser good question;

Here is what I tested using my 17 cal. Theoben against my 22 cal. rimfire. Using both the ARA targets and the Airrifle target each at 50 and 25 yards. I shot 2 targets each so that would be 4 total at their given distance. The targets were shot in early evening over 2 days with a light breeze but switchy.

First evening:
1st Shooting 2 Airrifle targets the 17 cal. had scores of 248 8x and a 250 12 x, now shooting 2 ARA targets with the 17, scores were 2400 and 2450.

Second evening: (conditions were similar)
Shooting the 22 cal. First were the ARA targets the scores, 1st target 2350, the second 2450. Now to the 2 Airrifle targets the 1st target 249 9x the second 250 15x ( conditions did settle down a tad bit compared to the previous night with the last target.)

They were all scored using the same plug.

It looks like they are very close in performance IMO.

Take Care,

That's what I was thinking too. They are similar in performance at their respective range. I have a re-worked Rapid MFR .177 and a pretty decent Ans 2013 and with the few times I've shot for score, I saw similar results.....


I shoot the air rifle a TON more than the rimfire nowadays. I thought I would get better at reading wind shooting as much as I have lately, but it seems to be a bit more luck with the air rifle in a wind.

I also agree with KingSnake about the match rifles being sensitive. Shots from my Ans 8002 PCP are blown all over the place in any kind of wind.

The downfall of BR50 was that the AG's beat the RF hands down when shot at 25 vs 50. The RF guys guys revolted.
I thought the downfall was that Larry Brown died, and it all went away because of that.
Larry pasted several years after BR-50 switched

completely to air rifles
Thanks Ron for putting me straight. Once again, I stand corrected.

Hi all, It sure didn't help that Larry up and died like that. here there was just as much .22 shooting going on as there was air. i think that he liked air better because it was cheap. so what ever you shoot good luck and have fun. :) by the way a perfect score of 5000 was shot by Mackie Loughlin useing Tim McWhorters airarms 100 airgun with Baracuda pellets. so we all have something to shoot for.
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(1.)What is the common law in most states as related to shooting air rifles on residential property? Does the law treat them the same as a rimfire after a certain velocity (fps)?

(2.) What is a good quality commonly found air rifle for accurate hunting rather than competition use?
Mr. D, I live in Massachusetts, and we all that MA has some of the most restrictive gun laws in the country. Before buying my new gun I went to the police and asked them just that question, and was surprised by the answer. It seems that the firearms laws are just that, laws pertaining to firearms, and not air guns... oh, other than if I were to host a match on my property I would still have to honor the not shooting within 500' of any occupied building unless having written permission from its owner/occupant.
As for driving around with one in my car, buying or selling one, mailing one anywhere, flying anywhere in the country or, for that matter, to any other country where my gun is considered legal, and basically any of the activities associated with owning one, there are NO RESTRICTIONS!

deliterman, Mackey did a great job when he established that record! Ron Lewis now owns that gun, and is still shooting Baracuda's from it. What more can I say other than I'm not looking forward to that day when I'm sitting on the line against he and his AA100 , but I can't hardly wait for that to happen.

Might be interesting shooting against the RN10

Mr. D, I live in Massachusetts, and we all that MA has some of the most restrictive gun laws in the country. Before buying my new gun I went to the police and asked them just that question, and was surprised by the answer. It seems that the firearms laws are just that, laws pertaining to firearms, and not air guns... oh, other than if I were to host a match on my property I would still have to honor the not shooting within 500' of any occupied building unless having written permission from its owner/occupant.
As for driving around with one in my car, buying or selling one, mailing one anywhere, flying anywhere in the country or, for that matter, to any other country where my gun is considered legal, and basically any of the activities associated with owning one, there are NO RESTRICTIONS!

deliterman, Mackey did a great job when he established that record! Ron Lewis now owns that gun, and is still shooting Baracuda's from it. What more can I say other than I'm not looking forward to that day when I'm sitting on the line against he and his AA100 , but I can't hardly wait for that to happen.


Dave we have a match this Saturday, You still have time to book a quick flight. I'll let you shoot the AA100 in relay 2, I'm expecting a intersting time in Unlimited class with Mark Stillwell shooting my RN 10. Tim built this RN10 with the belief that it is more accurate than my AA100. I am going to do my dead level best to shoot them all in the center and will be shooting the same pellets that Mackey used to shoot the 5000. It's going to be hotter than the devil here on Saturday and hopefully the wind will be reasonable.

Hi all; it's hard to think of a airgun that is a better shooter that a AA100.:) RN 10 HUH,if Tim thinks thats better that any AA100 that he has put together watch out is all i got to say. get those domes out and start practicing. the sooner the better ..Ha,Ha good luck.deliterman.
Hmmmm, let's see now! If I could grab a quick flight down on Friday P.M., then shoot all day Saturday in hotter than Hell conditions, I doubt very much that anyone would allow me on any plane heading anywhere until after I've at least spent some time in a creek with a bar of soap. But, then I'd also have to get back up here in time to swing by at Holbrook for their Sunday match. Sounds like a plan! But, then again ....maybe not.

Don't worry Ron, I'll get down there somehow someday. Maybe in November for the Nationals, that is, if I can find the time to get my knees replaced before then.
Mr. D, I live in Massachusetts, and we all that MA has some of the most restrictive gun laws in the country. Before buying my new gun I went to the police and asked them just that question, and was surprised by the answer. It seems that the firearms laws are just that, laws pertaining to firearms, and not air guns... oh, other than if I were to host a match on my property I would still have to honor the not shooting within 500' of any occupied building unless having written permission from its owner/occupant.
As for driving around with one in my car, buying or selling one, mailing one anywhere, flying anywhere in the country or, for that matter, to any other country where my gun is considered legal, and basically any of the activities associated with owning one, there are NO RESTRICTIONS!

deliterman, Mackey did a great job when he established that record! Ron Lewis now owns that gun, and is still shooting Baracuda's from it. What more can I say other than I'm not looking forward to that day when I'm sitting on the line against he and his AA100 , but I can't hardly wait for that to happen.


Thank you for the response Dave. I guess I'll have to check on the 500' rule in my area. I'm thinking of a few ground squirrels that attack my peach bushes!
Mr D.

That 500' rule only applies if you have invited guests for a match, but not if you're just "plinking" around in your backyard.
