.22lr headspace



I’ve done a search for the correct headspace for a .22lr. From what I can see Mr. Calfee seems to be recommending 0.043”. I just wondered if others had any thoughts on this.

My rifle is an Anschutz 1913 “Supermatch”. I shoot Eley Tenex which after checking 100’s of rim’s for thickness it never varies more than 0.0375” to 0.038”

Presently the headspace is 0.0405” which is as it came from the factory. This does seem to be tight according to Bill’s recommendation and the rifle can throw a shot every now and then.

Any thoughts appreciated

I believe that HS is arbitrary. My guns all work well anywhere between .041 & .044. We're talking Hall, Suhl, Rem 513T, & Win 52's D & C. Flyer's most likely comes from ammo.
Maybe we will hear from some of the Gunsmiths but

Hopefully we will hear from some of the other Gunsmiths here that may agree or disagree, but seems like BC had a precision shooting article on this subject, where he took a rifle and started with the headspace very tight and starting increasing the headspace with no real difference in group size until it got to the point where he was not getting consistant ignition.

There may be some more info but that is what i remembered.

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Fred, thanks, don't feel it is the ammo as it shoots well in my other (older) Anschutz - doesn’t group as well but doesn’t throw flyers either.

Charlie, yeh that's interesting, I subscribe to PS but only since January this year so older articles have escaped me and now I understand BC isn’t contributing anymore, real shame

Seldom, does one lot of ammo shoot the same in every barrel. As to the HS issue, my opinion, is not God's, but only from my experiences. I remember an old Blue Suhl, that was almost .050 HS, and won a many a match with the older ammo. Suhls, are very close cousins to the Anny, and mine shot best between .043 & .044 Would not shoot worth a damned at anything lower that .042.5. It really likes .044 the best. The ammo rim thickness issue is something else. I have found it an act of futility. Quality ammo just doesn't warrant it.
Yeh, I’ve given up on ammo testing, at least with Eley Tenex and just shoot them from the box. The rim thickness never varies more than .0005”, I tried weighing them and they were so consistent I could have used them to calibrate my scales. Only major difference I found was on overall length, which varied up to .005” but after testing didn’t seem to make any difference.

I also put the question of headspace to a contact at Eley and this was his reply:-

Your headspace at 0.0405 is ideal for Eley ammo...
-most custom barrels are fitted to give around that figure,
-factory settings from the main manufacturers have been reduced over the last few years, at our recommendation,
-they were originally set at 0.043 but are more likely to be 0.0415 now,
-and of course with wear taking place the head space opens up as you put more shots down the barrel,
-the rim on our ammo is smaller than any of the other brands, so smaller is better.

I’m thinking the odd flyer is maybe being caused by a tight barrel. It’s had around 2300 rounds through it and is defiantly improving with age. Just have to keep pumping lead and see how it develops.

Shorty – thanks for the link.
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