22cal vs 6mm at 200yds

Ackley Improved

New member
Quick question, at the 200yd mark, or even the 100yd, how do you think a 22PPC short fairs against the 6mmPPC? How much difference is there in the wind?

Is it much more work?

I am thinking of trying a 22Beggs.. easy to prepare... equivalent to a 22PPC short, whats there not to like.... bar how is rates against the 6mm!

This will be for a competition BR rifle of course!


There are two reasons you do not see more 22's at Matches.

First is the Sporter Rule. Many shooters are "one rifle owners", and since you cannot shoot a 22 in Sporter, the vast majority of shooters simply opt for a 6mm.

The second reason is, while the 22PPC Short will shoot with anything on the Planet, case prep is a chore. Once again, the vast majority of shooters just say "to heck with it" and shoot a 6mm or larger.

As far as which is actually more accurate, I doubt you could tell the difference. Sure, a math whiz could figure all of the wind drift factors, but in the real world, it won't amount to a hill of beans.

In other words, a well tuned 22 Beggs will agg heads up with a well tuned 6PPC, or visa-versa, at 100 or 200.........jackie
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On the sporter rule alone is enough to run the 6mm over the 22cal.

I might give a 6mmBeggs a go! Better get in contact with Gene about a die and some dimensions!

Thanks for the reply!
