I am just going to have to strongly recommend, if you want to shoot benchrest and be competitive and if you're serious about it, get a 6PPC rifle. Here is my little story. Didn't know anything about what benchrest shooting was. Knew you place a rifle on the rest and shoot from a bench. Read on line about a match only about 80 miles away, sent an email asking about entry, and was told come on, be glad to have you and you sign up when you get there. Grabbed my 223 remington and off to kick butt. Great rifle and could hold a 1" group at 100 or 200 yd. all day long. They let me shot and when the match was over - last place and you could have taken the next to last place over all score, doubled it and he still would have beat me. One shooter at the match had a 6PPC for sale, meet him the next week, made the purchase and have never looked back. Cost of brass is nothing, travel several 100 miles, pay for a hotel room for 2 nights and other expenses - brass cost will not be a factor.