223 ai

Is there a smart to way to use a 223 Go Gauge if I were to chamber a 223 AI? Or am I stuck in buying an AI GG? If so, do any of folks have a 223 AI GG you don't use and will to part with - cheap?

Ackley Heaspacing

When setting the headspace on an Ackley chamber the "GO" gauge for the parent cartridge (in this case, the .223 Rem) becomes the "NO-GO" gauge. Between that "GO" gauge (which is now the "NO-GO") and a depth mic you should be able to set-up your chamber correctly. The final test is to install the barrel on the action and chamber a few new .223 Rem. casings, being sure you have a 'crush' fit. You shouldn't need to use a hammer to close the bolt, but you should feel resistance when closing the bolt by hand. Be sure to remove the 'guts' from the bolt before checking in this manner. It's easier to show someone than explain it. There's a good write-up on Dave Mansons' web site, probably under "FAQs".
When setting the headspace on an Ackley chamber the "GO" gauge for the parent cartridge (in this case, the .223 Rem) becomes the "NO-GO" gauge. Between that "GO" gauge (which is now the "NO-GO") and a depth mic you should be able to set-up your chamber correctly. The final test is to install the barrel on the action and chamber a few new .223 Rem. casings, being sure you have a 'crush' fit. You shouldn't need to use a hammer to close the bolt, but you should feel resistance when closing the bolt by hand. Be sure to remove the 'guts' from the bolt before checking in this manner. It's easier to show someone than explain it. There's a good write-up on Dave Mansons' web site, probably under "FAQs".

Thank you, appreciate the input. Will do this on the fireforming barrel.
I probably chamber for as many Ackley cartridges as I do std., SAAMI spec cartridges. I'd say 98.9% will shoot the parent cartridge "prairie dog" accurate, no need for a "fire forming barrel".
Is there a smart to way to use a 223 Go Gauge if I were to chamber a 223 AI? Or am I stuck in buying an AI GG? If so, do any of folks have a 223 AI GG you don't use and will to part with - cheap?


I've never done a 223 but I'll guess It's gonna be about .008-.010 short of the GO so if you're doing a conventionally shouldered barrel and if you're "trying for fit" while the barrel's in the lathe you can use feeler gauges between the action face and recoil lug. Somewhere around ".008 short" you'll be able to chamber virgin brass with a crush fit. Use the feelers to get close, then final fit on brass....

IMO there's no need to remove the guts as the crush you want is in the order of pounds, not ounces.....in other words just screw it together and try a new empty case, remembering that it'll tighten up just a little when you reef it down to tight.
alinwa is correct. i do a .007 short of standard parent case for the lapua 223 brass. nice snug fit just like you would want.

nez you are more than welcome to use my 223ai go gauge if you would like. thanks lee
.007" is might ridiculous,,,, P.O. Ackley only recommends "approximately .004" crush. (referencing page 155 of "Handbook For Shooters and Reloaders" Volume 1)
.007" is might ridiculous,,,, P.O. Ackley only recommends "approximately .004" crush. (referencing page 155 of "Handbook For Shooters and Reloaders" Volume 1)

Yeahh, I can read too.....but reading and understanding the parameters are two disparate things.

"approximately .004 crush" sounds good.........which is probably about .008 under most GO gauges. (they vary)

BTW NezRongero.....if you ever spec your own custom shoulder (I do a ton of big ones at 35*) you can seriously affect the blowout pullback by changing the radius of the n/s junction. The only reamerperson on earth I know of who's got thoughts on this subject is Kiff. I've had him do some reamers with virtually no radius. I can't get him to do a knife edge but some of my reamers are close and with enough crush I call 'em "lockers".....they'll hold well enough to blow shoulders forward without pulling the neck back! This method also allows for some amazing resizing results, like firing a blown out 338 Lapua 50 times with no trimming

but I digress


Thank you all for the responses.

This is an AR15 project for one of our shooters. He shot a 223 spacegun during the NRA week at Camp Perry and placed 3rd in the match rifle division behind 2 bolt gunners with much larger cartridges.
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