.22 PPC vs. .22 PPC USA vs. .22 PPC Sako

If it's a Wichita Classic with the octagon barrel, why not call Wichita and ask about the chambering?
Wichita has changed hands in the last little while, and I doubt they'd have records of a rifle built that long ago. However, I do know the chamber neck diameter: .2465. So maybe the question is: will new Norma .22 PPC USA brass fit into that chamber or will I need to turn the necks? (That is, does new Norma brass have neck thickness that would make a loaded round of greater diameter than .2465"?) And, if neck-turning is necessary, how much clearance should you leave between the OD of the neck with a bullet seated and the chamber neck dimension?
Wall thickness less than .011"

Measuring some used 22ppc USA Norma brass, the necks were less then .011", any where from .0105-.0109". Measuring the two loaded rounds that I have using 52 grain Sierras, they measured .2467 and .2470. Looks like you have some turning to do but not a lot. Good news is I would think it could be done in one turning.
Measuring some used 22ppc USA Norma brass, the necks were less then .011", any where from .0105-.0109". Measuring the two loaded rounds that I have using 52 grain Sierras, they measured .2467 and .2470. Looks like you have some turning to do but not a lot. Good news is I would think it could be done in one turning.
That's really helpful, Randy. How much clearance is necessary between the OD of the loaded round and the chamber?
OP,,,do NOT cut/chop/modify that gun in any way,,,,,,,try to use modern day Lapua 220 Russian ctgs,,,,I would turn the neck on one ctg to .010" and try it in your chamber (no powder or bullet )(you may have to trim the length,,,check everyting) if it goes then I would load this one ctg with a bullet and check the seating depth,,,,then fire that one ctg and see how far the neck expands ,,,that will give you the neck dia,,,,then you can turn the necks (if required) to the proper dims,,,,,proceed slowly and carefully,,,,,Roger

PS ,,,,DO NOT MODIFY that rifle,,,,
Randy and expiper (and others), many thanks. I will follow your suggestions. And, no, I won't be altering the gun in any way....:D
I have some of the original Sako .220 Russian and Sako 6 PPC USA brass. The case head measures about .0015" larger in diameter in front of the extractor groove on the USA marked brass over the .220 Russian brass. You wouldn't think of a thousandth and a half being much, but it caused problems when the reamers were made to cut the chamber to fit the original .220 Russian brass. The Sako .220 Russian brass had a balloon head and couldn't stand near as much pressure as people are running now days without losing primer pockets. The USA brass had a conventional case head.


Btw i think i ran around your question real bad there. The usa and sako were saami chamberings and the ppc proper was a wildcat offering. I think thats all you asked. :rolleyes:

SAAMI never accepted any of the PPC cartridges.
Sako USA

The Sako 6PPC I had was a great shooter for factory rifle. The PPC-USA did not have the
capacity the 6 PPC I use for BR shooting. About 27.2 gr would put the load @ just in the bottom
of the neck in Sako PPC-USA brass. You may easily put 29gr of same powder @same level in any
6PPC chamber for benchrest I've ever owned. For example H322 or T-32 ,, 4197,, benchmark etc...( and that is many chambers by several gunsmiths
22 ppc

I have one of these old guns I shot back in the 90s. It shot into the zeros.