22 cleaning

So, what Rim Fire Cleaning Solvent should I add to my range bag?


Boretech...as for how often to clean,I KNOW personally of and old Suhl,Ol' Blue I think it was called,that set many old time records,never saw a patch go thru that barrel..I had several old barrels that didn't care to be cleaned,key word here,"old"..then I received a brand new,modern barrel/gun..tried the don't clean method,this new barrel seemed to want a cleaning now and again..YOUR barrel will let you know when to clean..my advice/knowledge is old school,things change,but I'm pretty sure ammo/barrel combo doesn't change..shoot till accuracy drops off,clean,re-season,try again..your results may vary. Good shootin' and good luck.
Cleaning your rifle should be regular but just how regular is up for grabs. Some clean after every target and it goes from there. As for use of the bronze brush, you simply screw it on tightly and pass it both ways through your barrel and bore guide with a good coating of solvent. Make several passes...whatever feels good to you. Speaking of feel...you'll "feel" that the first pass is a bit more difficult than the rest of the passes.

I bought a bore guide from Sinclair for a Win 52. The first time I tried to push the .22 brush through the guide it stuck. I called Sinclair and told them what happened. Guy said "you're not supposed to use a brush on .22 barrels". Any ideas?
I bought a bore guide from Sinclair for a Win 52. The first time I tried to push the .22 brush through the guide it stuck. I called Sinclair and told them what happened. Guy said "you're not supposed to use a brush on .22 barrels". Any ideas?

A. Get a better boreguide. B don't take advice from dumb guys.
I have a Lucas Bore Guide for my Cooper TRP, which fits perfect and works great. It is set up for the .20 caliber coated rod as suggested by Dewey for Rim Fire, but I am using regular .22 brushes.

I use a loose fitting patch for the first pass then another loose patch with Rimfire Blend then a rimfire pistol length brush with Rimfire Blend on it 3 or 4 passes then dry with a few tighter patches and its perfectly clean, bore-scopes dont lie. I use a jag with and o ring around it to keep it from banging the bore and dont push it all the way out I also use a bore-guide that fits the rod good. Easy Peasy
Never cleans

An 87 year young benchrest shooter at our club has never cleaned his barrel.
Finishes middle of the pack.
An 87 year young benchrest shooter at our club has never cleaned his barrel.
Finishes middle of the pack.[/QUOTE

Could very well boil down to an average shooter at a mediocre club. Perhaps he simply cleans in private where nobody can see him.
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Art Cook, a champion shooter for sure, never cleaned his rifle, or so he claimed. When he decided to have Bill Myers rebarrel his rifle Bill said he had a hell of a time even getting a patch thru the barrel. "Gotta be pretty hard on a bullet"getting thru the barrel, as well. :)
guarantee accuracy ??
surely you jest ??

Yes, sure.
So if you never clean is because it shoots well, right?
So when it would be dirty enough to shoot well?
Sarcastic here, as you can only control clean, not dirty...

Of course you'll need to clean to maintain accuracy. But there's a lot of misinformation around the theme... people that does the opposite of what they preach...
When is it dirty enough to shoot? When the accuracy returns after cleaning. Granted my observations are based on old experiences,shooting alongside some of the best at the time. As noted,seems older "shot out" barrels didn't care to be cleaned where as newer barrels would benefit from a cleaning. This was observed watching Gary Mitchell and Old Blue,Hoke Kerns and his old 52 and various older guns and shooters. Point being I believe more barrels are FUBAR'D by bad cleaning habits than from shooting. In all things of this game,your personal experiences are all you can really trust,you and YOUR gun,what you learn on the firing line,not from the internat.
Art Cook, a champion shooter for sure, never cleaned his rifle, or so he claimed. When he decided to have Bill Myers rebarrel his rifle Bill said he had a hell of a time even getting a patch thru the barrel. "Gotta be pretty hard on a bullet"getting thru the barrel, as well. :)

Tell 'em Glynn!
Do you "ALWAYS'" pull the brush through? Is there a preferred direction?

I push and pull the brush through the barrel but have seen a few folks just pushing it. Don't really think it matters as long as you get it clean. It takes more time to do a single direction...just sayin'.
the theory of push only was to save the crown from possible becoming nicked by the rear portion oh brush or jag or just plain wear from the rod and crud there on.- to that end there have been/are various dodads to supposedly prevent same from occurring.
the theory of push only was to save the crown from possible becoming nicked by the rear portion oh brush or jag or just plain wear from the rod and crud there on.- to that end there have been/are various dodads to supposedly prevent same from occurring.

Is it common and not detrimental to reverse the direction of the brush inside the bore?
Obviously I have many misconceptions on cleaning.