22-250 vs 22-250ai

Now another question. My current load for my standard is 36.5gr of varget in win cases, CCI br primers and a 50gr vmax at 3650-3675fps. Is this considered slow even though it is .10 over the Hornady reloading manual max? are those "book" speeds and powder maximums conservative for legal reasons and is it safely possible to get a 50gr vmax or NBT going faster than that out of a 22inch 1:12 tube?

I'll second what Roger T said. The reloading manual is a rough guide but that's it. Don't worry about "book" speeds. Those people aren't shooting your gun with your combination of components, and they're also dealing with broader issues. Just stop where you're getting signs of overpressure. Best accuracy will be someplace along the way and velocity will be whatever it is.

Best/most accurate load in my only std. 22-250 is RL15 (more than 37gr) and a 50 @ 3925. That's about all I'd ever expect from the cartridge. It's a Savage sporter that shoots well.
At work, we were able to hit 4000fps with 77gr SMK's in the 22-250AI. But this was done in a universal receiver and an EPVAT pressure test barrel. I wont give the load, because someone might try it in a factory rifle. We started with a 1-7" barrel and were fragmenting bullets due too the high RPM's, we ended up using a 1-9" barrel.
In my standard 22-250 which is a 22inch bbl in a 1:12 twist, I tested 55gr vmaxes with 34gr of varget, CCI br primers, win cases and .10 off the rifling and it chronoed at 5 shots at 3470, 3482, 3438, 3453,and 3461 which averages out to be 3460. Does this seem slow considering the above load data? I guess I feel like it is because of some of the numbers posted above by some of you guys. Am I missing something or doing something wrong? Ideas?????

I like the Sierra #1365 bullet over IMR 3031 loaded very hot. 35.5 grains for about 3550fps. This is from a 26" barrel barrel on a Savage. It's rougly 300 fps faster than my goto .223. (shorter barrel)
alinwa --- what do you mean when you say this "the 40degree shoulder of the AI makes maintenance of 22-250AI brass impossible."


My experience has been that the shoulder will not respond correctly to resizing. I've currently got lots of "Improved" chambers but I've converted everything to 35 degree.

I used to have a Savage VLPS in 22-250 that I had "tricked out" it was bedded and chambered in Ackley Improved. That gun SHOT took a ground hog out @ 716 yards with a 53grain blitzking out of a 26" barrel with a 1-12 twist. I should have never got rid of that gun but I am having a second bench gun being built in 243 AI and All I can say is P.O. Ackley is the man!!!!
My experience has been that the shoulder will not respond correctly to resizing. I've currently got lots of "Improved" chambers but I've converted everything to 35 degree.


O.K. al, I'm on the hook. Can you explain with a bit more detail? I have at least 8 different barrels in A.I. chamberings and am now curious.
O.K. al, I'm on the hook. Can you explain with a bit more detail? I have at least 8 different barrels in A.I. chamberings and am now curious.

I have found that for cartridges like the 22-250 or .243AI where you've got a long shoulder (fat case/small caliber) the shoulders will tend to bounce when resizing. The result IME has been that to get consistent 'feel' you've got to drive the shoulder/body junction back too far every time which makes cases grow in length.

I prefer to set my cases up such that I can resize them for a drop-handle fit 50times without trimming the cases.

Some shorter shouldered 40* AI cases like the 30-06AI seem to work just fine.
