2024 IBS 600 yard Nationals


Last weekend in Rutherford NC the Piedmont Gun Club hosted the IBS 600 yard Nationals
I haven't seen an overall roster/headcount yet but I'm betting it was anywhere from 50 to 100 shooters.

Saturday Day 1 had Samuel Hall came out on top in
LG winning the score and overall championships and Jason Danley wins the group championship.


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Sunday in HG it was all Curt Knitt as I've seen him do many times. Sweeps score group and overall setting an 8 target group agg Nationals record (1.480") giving up just 6 points in score.


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Curt finished 3rd score, 5th group and 3rd overall in LG Saturday combined with the HG performance Sunday secured the two gun group & overall championships as well.
Sam Hall wins the two gun score championship.

Some outstanding shooting by Sam, Curt & Jason!


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lots of targets, several days( i like 3 or 4) thats what makes a national.
do they have pits ??
Including Tactical it was 3 days, not counting any practice/test day before that.
Friday Tac
Saturday LG
Sunday HG

I've never been to Piedmont so I don't know about the pits, I'm guessing no.
I agree that a national should be multiple days and as many targets as possible.
well let me revise, multiple targets over multiple days....shoot all three guns over the three days. it is easier to spread rotation to all...all shoot morn, lunch and post lunch.///levels the playing field a bit. i will not travel to a range without pits period
I enjoy shooting over pits and don't mind the pit duty either but most ranges I shoot use steel for sighters and I'm fine with that also.

My biggest win to date was at the 2022 Vapor Trail Long Range Rendezvous, 8 targets @ 600 and 8 @ 1000 alternating distances every trip to the bench with sighters on steel at both distances.

It takes managing your steel so you can keep track of where you're at but it's completely doable.
how many times have you shot at vapor trail ??
and then consider driving several days and discover all of one rifle will be shot on one day, and that there are no pits. that means you GUESS the hold on your first target..at the nationals( vertical and distance diff from the sighter objects to the actual target)...sorry it will never happen again
I've shot there plenty. I've never shot a match there or anywhere else that the range wasn't available for sight in the day before and it's just bad planning in my opinion not to get there (anywhere) at least the afternoon before to make sure your guns are on.
I've traveled to many venues with my guns sighted in at home to the intended distance. Usually I'll put couple in the berm make needed corrections and go to steel. Never had a problem getting on steel and when you do you have to manage it not blast all the paint off it.
At VT If you know your gun is say 24 moa to 1000 off a 100 yd zero you hold low down in the front berm get your wind then proceed to the steel.
The 1000 yard steel is less than a yard beyond the target, the 600 steel is directly below the paper. I guess I've never had an issue shooting steel vs pit service