2019 USARB Nationals at NRA Whittington Center


Hello everyone,

We are pleased to announce that the 2019 USARB Nationals will be held at the NRA Whittington Center in Raton, New Mexico on October 18th, 19th, and 20th.

The NRA Whittington Center is a 35,000 acre shooting facility with everything a shooter could desire. If you also shoot firearms, bring them along. There is a range for everything. Please browse the Whittington Center Site for more specific information. https://www.nrawc.org/

The weather in the high desert of New Mexico is outstanding in October. Daytime highs will likely be in the mid 60s with lots of sunshine and blue skies. The low humidity makes it very comfortable.

The Coors Benchrest range at Whittington Center has 75 concrete benches on an open landscape that provides an equal opportunity for every bench number. There are no berms, structures, or impediments to the wind anywhere near the shooting line. Along with bench rotation each card, this should ensure each shooter has the same chance to perform well throughout the competition. The additional fact that this range is home to no club means that those traveling will not be competing against anyone with a home court advantage.

There is a 100y indoor building behind the range where individuals may sight in their rifles. This building will also be used for meetings, scoring, lunch, and hanging scored cards for viewing.

There is on site housing to accommodate about 200 shooters. There are cabins available to suit all needs. RV spaces with full water/electric hookups are available as well as primitive camping.

If you are not interested in staying on site... here is a some information about hotels/motels in Raton. https://www.nrawc.org/about-us/local-information/

The event will offer LV, HV, Open, and Spring Piston classes. Friday will be sight in and practice. Saturday will be HV and Open. Sunday will be LV and Spring piston. Awards will follow Spring Piston on Sunday. We will post exact times at a later date.

Awards will be given for top three in each class with an additional award for 3 gun aggregate comprised of LV, Hv, and Open.

Registration will be $100.00, and $25.00 for each class. Lunch will be included each day with registration cost.

If you care to utilize the other firearm ranges after the BR matches have finished, there will be the standard 20$ daily range fee per person payable to the Whittington Center. To save money....you may, instead, opt for a 50$ family annual membership or a 30$ individual annual membership if you intend to use the other range facilities more than one day. Shotguns are also available to rent.

There is a registration form attached...along with a pic of the view down the line.

Thank You, and look forward to seeing you there!

Mike Niksch

Confirmed attendees

1. Mike Schultz- Arkansas
2. Mark Marini- Massachusetts
3 .Chris Sloan- Massachusetts
4. Mike Niksch- Colorado
5. Matt Kellerman- California
6. Mary Kellerman- California
7. Jim Benson- Washington
8. Ron Price- Washington
9. Dave Zinski- Washington
10. Ron Silveira- Oregon
11. Steve Ware- Oregon...soon to be Arizona
12. Barb Rodriguez- Oregon..soon to be Arizona
13. Doug Miller- California
14. Vipha Miller- California
15. Jeff Crisler- Montana
16. Bob Graybill - California
17. Marvin Reynolds- Arkansas
18. Mike Schlesinger- Arizona
19. Lou Fontana - California
20. Jack Mercer- Arizona
21. Dana Wyse - California
22. Carey Hymel - Louisiana
23. Steve Debord - Arizona
24. Garrett Kwakkestein - Arizona
25. Jerry McGee - Florida
26. Linda McGee - Florida
27. John Parrish- Washington
28. Bobby McKee - Louisiana
29. Scott Seyler - Arizona
30. Kim Zussman - California
31. Linda Koch - Arizona
32. Mark Buchanan - Arizona
33. Gert Van Wyk - South Africa
34. Pearl Stonebraker- Oklahoma
35. Brian Miller - Arizona
36. Alvin Harvard - Oklahoma
37. Irwin Segerman - Arizona
38. John Lenio - Arizona
39. Dave Litt - Arizona
40. Ken Hicks - Florida
41. Matt Lababedy - California
42. Abdul Lababedy - California
43. Allen Surratt- Arizona


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Benchrest Nat'ls

Great facility/range. Looking forward to it. I applaud the board for making this decision. Special thanks to Mike Niksch for his work on this.
Hi Kim, scoring will be done conventionally with a scoring plug. Joe is making the trip to head up the scoring duties. I appreciate that very much.
2019 Air rifle National Benchrest Championships

Hi Mike, We are very much looking forward to shooting at a fair and even match like this location offers. Thanks Mike, for stepping up to the plate on this, as we know that you are extremly busy man:cool: building excellent and very accurate rifles. I hope that you can find some help, as we do not know of anyone that shoots anywhere near this area that can help you. Range officers, Computer experts, scoring, management, !!! Huge undertaking for anyone. We will try our best.
For people that need to fly, in, as we may have to, Colorado Springs is 140 miles away. Albuquerque, N.M. is 180 miles away, and Denver is 200 miles away. Also, in addition to the several options to stay at the range, there are lots of nice places to stay in Raton. Also, I saw that Pikes Peak Int. Raceway is north on interstate 25. from Raton.
Again, Thank you Mike, as we are looking forward to seeing you and everyone again. Doug and Vipha Miller
Good to see that you are coming, Chris.

Thanks, Doug...look forward to seeing you there.

I'm going to post a list of confirmed attendees in the opening post and continually update it as new entries come in.

Can't download the entry form

I don't have Office on my computer. I tried downloading it and it directs me to Microsoft edge. Any other way to get an entry form?
We Made some extra copies for you.

I don't have Office on my computer. I tried downloading it and it directs me to Microsoft edge. Any other way to get an entry form?

Hi Ironman, We made some extra copies for you, all we need is your address and how many
copies you need.
Our email is Vipha91320@yahoo.com
Ironman, Looking forward to meeting you and
having some good conversation about air rifles. Doug and Vipha Miller
Good to see that you are coming, Chris.

Thanks, Doug...look forward to seeing you there.

I'm going to post a list of confirmed attendees in the opening post and continually update it as new entries come in.


And Mark is planning on coming too!
Hi Jeff, I added a PDF file to the opening post. I hope that will be more universal. Please give that one a try. The original was a microsoft Word doc, but it seems to have given some folks trouble. Sorry about that.

Thanks for the backup mail plan, Doug.

Chris...looking forward to seeing both you and Mark at the event!

Thanks, Mike
Hmmm....thanks for the warning. I’m certain their won’t be any mosquitos, black flies, 100 degree temps , or daily cloudbursts in late October.

Temps will likely be in the 60s during the day with full sunshine. I doubt you will see any bugs. I live a short ways away in Colorado, and October is the best time of year. Raton is a dry high desert area with an elevation of about 7000’.

Thanks, Mike

Just cuz I ain't got one a them fancy schmancy smarty phones, them Montana boys get 'er done! Thanks for adding my name to the list. And another thank you for having a list!:cool: