Flag Rotation Information

These are the following flag rotations for the IBS Nationals. Please contact Nancy Scarbrough if you have a preference. Her contact info is on the above flyer.

Smiley Hensley, Larry Costa, Jack Neary, Tim Reed, Russell Rains (lefties), Bill Symons, Russ Boop and Dave Homes.


You have to have a big range and facilities to hold the Nationals usually 50 to 60 benches. Also need someone/crew willing to take it on!

Bart, one if not both IBS and NBRSA require 60 benches in their rules for a Nationals. I know Holton, last year supposedly got a waiver since they only have 50, Holton is adding 10 more benches to the left. Fairchance only has 50 benches and if they add on the next 10 benches would be in the Pennsylvania Turnpike extension!!

Maybe Steve Lee will build a 60 bench range and that is just out of Birmingham. Ralph Stewart is building a new range at Crossville but he will be out of commission this year since he is having BOTH shoulders operated on. Both Steve and Ralph have bought land with the intention of building BR ranges in the South....goody, goody!

These are the following flag rotations for the IBS Nationals. Please contact Nancy Scarbrough if you have a preference. Her contact info is on the above flyer.

Smiley Hensley, Larry Costa, Jack Neary, Tim Reed, Russell Rains (lefties), Bill Symons, Russ Boop and Dave Homes.


Kip Jones/ Bill Symons
These are the following flag rotations for the IBS Nationals. Please contact Nancy Scarbrough if you have a preference. Her contact info is on the above flyer.

Smiley Hensley, Larry Costa, Jack Neary, Tim Reed, Russell Rains (lefties), Bill Symons, Russ Boop and Dave Homes.


Is Weikert a 40 bench range? I've shot there a couple of times but can't remember?

The reason I'm asking is here are only 8 sets of flag providers listed.

Bart, one if not both IBS and NBRSA require 60 benches in their rules for a Nationals. I know Holton, last year supposedly got a waiver since they only have 50, Holton is adding 10 more benches to the left. Fairchance only has 50 benches and if they add on the next 10 benches would be in the Pennsylvania Turnpike extension!!

After a quick read of both the IBS and NBRSA rulebooks, I did not notice a written requirement for number of benches at either Nationals. I know that in the past the requirement has been a minimum of 50 benches and for the 2014 NBRSA Nationals at Holton, an exception was made for their 40 bench range. I know Holton had 40 benches because I was there.
After a quick read of both the IBS and NBRSA rulebooks, I did not notice a written requirement for number of benches at either Nationals. I know that in the past the requirement has been a minimum of 50 benches and for the 2014 NBRSA Nationals at Holton, an exception was made for their 40 bench range. I know Holton had 40 benches because I was there.

Lawrence, we have shot nationals twice in the last 2 years at Holton. I may have dreamed the 50 bench rule but I was told Holton had to get an exception for one of the nationals????

I too have heard of the 50 bench rule for as long as I have been shooting Benchrest and I was was quite surprised to find that it does not appear to be a written rule. Perhaps the directors take it into consideration when awarding the location for the Nationals.
I too have heard of the 50 bench rule for as long as I have been shooting Benchrest and I was was quite surprised to find that it does not appear to be a written rule. Perhaps the directors take it into consideration when awarding the location for the Nationals.

This thread started out as a discussion of the IBS Nationals , it has changed stream into a discussion of both organizations Nationals. I know nothing of the NBRSA requirements. I can speak with a good deal of authority about the IBS requirements. I (acting as IBS Match Schedule Chair.) can tell you there is no actual rule regarding minimum number of benches for a Nationals. It is recommended there be a minimum of 30. I will attach below a very old document that has not had the officers updated in 5 or so years that contains the applicable guidelines. As a practical matter the match is assigned mostly by whomever I can twist their arm into holding it. The other prevailing influence is the requirement that the Nationals move around the country. Each year I send out an email asking for volunteers to hold the event Until Fairchance came back into the cycle last year it was simply alternating between Fairchance and Holton both of whom are well equipped to handle it. It would be great if Canastota was an option, but although they have a great BR range, they seem to have very little BR interest at this point.

Dick Grosbier
IBS Vice President


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To answer the NBRSA side of the issue

This thread started out as a discussion of the IBS Nationals , it has changed stream into a discussion of both organizations Nationals. I know nothing of the NBRSA requirements. I can speak with a good deal of authority about the IBS requirements. I (acting as IBS Match Schedule Chair.) can tell you there is no actual rule regarding minimum number of benches for a Nationals. It is recommended there be a minimum of 30. I will attach below a very old document that has not had the officers updated in 5 or so years that contains the applicable guidelines. As a practical matter the match is assigned mostly by whomever I can twist their arm into holding it. The other prevailing influence is the requirement that the Nationals move around the country. Each year I send out an email asking for volunteers to hold the event Until Fairchance came back into the cycle last year it was simply alternating between Fairchance and Holton both of whom are well equipped to handle it. It would be great if Canastota was an option, but although they have a great BR range, they seem to have very little BR interest at this point.

Dick Grosbier
IBS Vice President
Without a waver from the executive board, the NBRSA requires a range to have 50 benches for the GROUP Nationals. There is NO minimum requirement for the Score Nationals.
After a quick read of both the IBS and NBRSA rulebooks, I did not notice a written requirement for number of benches at either Nationals. I know that in the past the requirement has been a minimum of 50 benches and for the 2014 NBRSA Nationals at Holton, an exception was made for their 40 bench range. I know Holton had 40 benches because I was there.

That is correct. I had bench #40 along with 4 others.
Bart, one if not both IBS and NBRSA require 60 benches in their rules for a Nationals. I know Holton, last year supposedly got a waiver since they only have 50, Holton is adding 10 more benches to the left. Fairchance only has 50 benches and if they add on the next 10 benches would be in the Pennsylvania Turnpike extension!!

Maybe Steve Lee will build a 60 bench range and that is just out of Birmingham. Ralph Stewart is building a new range at Crossville but he will be out of commission this year since he is having BOTH shoulders operated on. Both Steve and Ralph have bought land with the intention of building BR ranges in the South....goody, goody!

Jerry...my plans are on hold at the moment and in any case I was/am planning to build a 15 bench range initially. I have room to build a 60 bench range but do not have the money to build it. Now if you would give me your super secret magic lottery numbers the problem would be solved! :cool:
Bart, one if not both IBS and NBRSA require 60 benches in their rules for a Nationals. I know Holton, last year supposedly got a waiver since they only have 50, Holton is adding 10 more benches to the left. Fairchance only has 50 benches and if they add on the next 10 benches would be in the Pennsylvania Turnpike extension!!

Maybe Steve Lee will build a 60 bench range and that is just out of Birmingham. Ralph Stewart is building a new range at Crossville but he will be out of commission this year since he is having BOTH shoulders operated on. Both Steve and Ralph have bought land with the intention of building BR ranges in the South....goody, goody!

Jerry, is that in Crossville, TN. ? If so that would be perfect for me, but Crossville, IL. not so much.
Hopefuly someone from the Union County club will give official opening time and date but all Nationals usually have their ranges open several days before the main event. Some even 2 weeks before. My estimated ETA will be on Wednesday or Thursday of the week before. If you are camping you may want to contact Nancy Scorboro for a reservation.


Hopefuly someone from the Union County club will give official opening time and date but all Nationals usually have their ranges open several days before the main event. Some even 2 weeks before. My estimated ETA will be on Wednesday or Thursday of the week before. If you are camping you may want to contact Nancy Scorboro for a reservation.


The match ends on my birthday,,, can I expect cake? Maybe a rifle ,,, gasoline,,,??