2014 USA Postal Championships

Registration info

Sorry if this is in the wrong thread, but could someone direct my to the registration info. For the competition? I am new to the postal competitions and am expecting delivery of my first PCP on Friday.
No registration required. Very simple. Download TDS from the OnTarget website. It is free and you get to use it for 15 days. Print target #36. Shoot 3 targets. Scan those 3 targets and email the files OR mail them in and I will take take of it. Looking for the first entry for February unless I beat you to it.
No registration required. Very simple. Download TDS from the OnTarget website. It is free and you get to use it for 15 days. Print target #36. Shoot 3 targets. Scan those 3 targets and email the files OR mail them in and I will take take of it. Looking for the first entry for February unless I beat you to it.

Can you use the new Black/White targets or does it have to be target 36 White/Blue?
Will try to get to the range today before the next snow storm starting later today.


The black/white targets can be used. Try target #50.

Great I will print some targets out tomorrow. Can I just print target # 36 in B/W, or will I have to use # 50 or one of the other B/W targets? Also I am thinking of having the targets done on card stock to make scoring easier would you recommend that?
I am really looking forward to this, naturally my wife is preparing for an expensive hobby. :rolleyes:
Great I will print some targets out tomorrow. Can I just print target # 36 in B/W, or will I have to use # 50 or one of the other B/W targets? Also I am thinking of having the targets done on card stock to make scoring easier would you recommend that?
I am really looking forward to this, naturally my wife is preparing for an expensive hobby. :rolleyes:

I printed target 36 in black and white shot it both in .177 and another one in .22 but got all kinds of errors trying to scan the target. Then found out the rings needed to be blue. Had targets printed in blue. Shot them tonight and will see if I can scan them in with no error. Getting a foot or more of snow tonight into wed. So will play tomorrow. Shot three targets with a different pellet each target.

You can print target 50 in black and white and it should work! Glad I am shooting indoors! Sure small target
I printed target 36 in black and white shot it both in .177 and another one in .22 but got all kinds of errors trying to scan the target. Then found out the rings needed to be blue. Had targets printed in blue. Shot them tonight and will see if I can scan them in with no error. Getting a foot or more of snow tonight into wed. So will play tomorrow. Shot three targets with a different pellet each target.

You can print target 50 in black and white and it should work! Glad I am shooting indoors! Sure small target

That's interesting how the blue makes a difference, the more I think about it the more sense it makes thoe. I will be shooting at our local outdoor range so I think I may just print out the blue #36. We are still sitting in lake weather here I think the low on Saturday is 53, but still have to get the wind to cooperate. You can keep the snow I had enough of that when I was stationed at Carson.
Hole size?

If shooting a .177 or .20 do you use .224 as the hole size? C to C. Should not matter but score and X count would?
Just want to do what others are doing.


For scoring, I always use the .224 circle.

You sent me point codes, so I am waiting for Jeff to modify TDS to use that as an input.
Steve I Can resend or mail the targets to you.


For scoring, I always use the .224 circle.

You sent me point codes, so I am waiting for Jeff to modify TDS to use that as an input.

Having a problem with the computer sending anything that looks like Mike and You posted. No idea what a point codes is. Will have to play some more to find what you want sent?
I was happy the scanner worked on the blue targets!
I can send you the targets? Email your mailing address to me.


Just received some Postal targets from a great shooter, Paul Bendix and all I can say is WOW.

Shot indoors at 25 yards, only some pellet information but look at the 25 shot groups.

250-21X 25 shot group .1426 JSB Monsters
250-20X .1524
250-14X .2396

250-16X .2441 AA8.4
250-13X .2506 Beeman FTS
245-9X .3290 JSB8.4
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Shot with Chip Smith SUMO sub 20 fpe, Dan' regulator and .177 Super barrel!

Hope to improve that target. Durning another snow storm washed a couple of tins of 13.43 , weight sorted and while watching the Olympics head sorting with Dan's air gauge. Will lube and see how they do on Tuesday before the next storm.
And yes the Barrel is one of Dan's Super Barrels!!!
13.43 at 805-808
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Michael with his new MARCH scope will beat my scores!!!

Miichael set me straight on what files to send you.
After seeing his self made FT and Benchrest guns and now sporting a new March scope, Nothing will beat him. Would love to have his 50 yard indoor range!!


Happy to hear you have it worked out. Looking forward to more targets from you and Mike.
Holly cow Paul, great shooting.

Dan, Thanks for the barrel and regulator and you and Mark getting me to try those pellets!

Steve, Thanks for coming up with the On Target Postal match.

Michael, Will send out the barrel this week. Thanks for the help with the On Target files..

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A Bigger WOW

What has not been said about this new shooter.

Mike Niksch

250-21X Best 25 Shot Group .1787

I will let Mike fill in the details.
Sure wipe me out by 3X's!!! Knew I should have cleaned the barrel on the last card!

What has not been said about this new shooter.

Mike Niksch

250-21X Best 25 Shot Group .1787

I will let Mike fill in the details.

Mike, The new March scope sure works! Great shooting! Maybe I will put the .22 Kreiger barrel back on and shoot in Open Class.
Great Shooting Mike!!
