2014 Mississippi Valley Regional Group Shoot Results


New member
I wanted to thank everyone that attended the 2014 Mississippi Valley Regional LV/HV shoot at Benchrest Rifle Club in St. Louis. We had 32 shooters, most of which traveled a long way to be here, and we really appreciate you guys making this a great shoot. We had some great weather. The winds proved to be a little challenging, but we still had several shooters post some great aggs. Most noticeable was Jim Hart. He won the LV 100, HV 100, and LV 200, along with BOTH Grand aggs, and the 2-Gun.

The only part of our weekend shoot that Jim did not dominate was our Friday fly shoot. Steve Turner was our master fly hunter. Steve killed 9 out of 10 of our little flies, and went home with quite a bit of cash!
Congrats again to all of our winners, and thanks to everyone for showing up to shoot. I have attached all of the score sheets below.


  • LV 100.pdf
    23.3 KB · Views: 268
  • LV 200.pdf
    23.4 KB · Views: 268
  • HV 100.pdf
    23.5 KB · Views: 277
  • HV 200.pdf
    23.6 KB · Views: 332
  • Heavy Varmint Grand.pdf
    21.6 KB · Views: 302
  • Light Varmint Grand.pdf
    21.6 KB · Views: 318
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a couple shout out!!

First shout out goes to my best buddy Jim Hart, AKA CrazyHart. Jim put a whooping on us this weekend. Jim pretty much dominated the weekend. He let his guard down one time during the match, and big Joe Fessi took advantage. Congrats to both of my friends!!!!

Also I feel a shout out is needed for our new match director, Joe fessi. Joe put on a great shoot for us, and I am not alone in my appreciation for his efforts.
We had a great shoot that was ran as smooth as one could ever hope for. The fly shoot Friday night was also a hoot. Steve Turner, will now be know as the Exterminator. We had Great targets, great weather, great people, and great food. What more could you ask for!! The Filets, and bake potato's on Saturday night, was an added bonus. I personally had a great weekend!!!!! I feel this is just the beginning of more good things to come. Thanks Guys!! Lee
2-Gun Grand Agg

Sorry can only do 6 PDF's so here is the 2-Gun Grand.


  • 2-Gun Grand.pdf
    22.1 KB · Views: 357
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Joe - Thanks for posting those results and for hosting a terrific weekend. I always enjoy the matches at the St. Louis facility.

Jim - Congratulations on your dominating performance. It was a pleasure shooting next to you.

Thanks guys. I had a great time .. kicking Marks butt was the highlight of my weekend.
You definitely kicked it! Booty still hurts today.

Nice shooting. You spanked everyone in the swithchiest(spel) conditions I've seen since Luther this spring
Good job Jim.......I think you were in the Honey Hole....:cool: Congrats to you also Steve Turner on the fly shoot...thanks for the margarita..:p Good job on the food and running the show Joe.

Equipment List Oct 18-19 2014.pdf


  • Equipment List Oct 18-19 2014.pdf
    28.7 KB · Views: 332
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