2014 Crawfish Results

DJB in Wi

New member
Because Bill Smith (Thumper) did such a great job of running another great Crawfish, and is plumb wore out, I agreed to post the top 10 results of each class. I am sure Rachel will post the full results soon. Thanks aging Bill for all your hard work. Doug

Saturdays results

Sporter Yards

Doug Bell..............250-12X
Mike Cameron........249-16X
Steve Lloyd............249-12X
Lew Beaudrot..........248-14X
Keith Lovan.............248-11X
Jim Mollica...............248-11X
Steve Bessler............248-10X
Jim Pherson...............247-12X
Pete Wass..................247-12X
Emery Smith..............247-10X

101/2 Yards

Mike Cameron.............250-23X
Ron McCormick............250-20X
Joe Turturro.................249-18X
Jim Mollica....................249-18X
Steve Lloyd...................249-11X
Keith Lovan...................248-18X
Steve Bessler.................248-13X
Ken Henderson...............247-15X
Lew Beaudrot..................247-14X
John Spafford..................247-11X

131/2 Yards

Steve Lloyd......................249-18X
Jim Millica.........................249-15X
Doug Bell..........................249-15X
Ken Henderson...................248-14X
Jim Pherson........................248-14X
Mike Cameron.....................248-14X
Bill Schertz.........................248-8X
Keith Lovan.........................247-16X
Ron McCormick....................247-9X
Lew Beaudrot.......................246-17X

2 Gun Yards

Mike Cameron.......................498-37X
Steve Lloyd...........................498-29X
Jim Mollica............................498-28X
Rom McCormick.....................497-29X
Keith Lovan...........................495-34X

3 Gun Yards

Mike Cameron........................747-53X
Steve lloyd............................747-41X
Jim Millica.............................745-39X
Keith Lovan...........................743-45X
Doug Bell..............................743-34X

Sporter Meters

Doug Bell...............................250-18X
Joe Turturro............................250-15X
John Spafford..........................248-19X
Steve lloyd..............................248-11X
Jim Pherson.............................248-10X
Emery Smith............................248-9X
Lew Beaudrot............................247-15X
Bill Schertz................................247-7X
Mike Cameron............................246-11X
Ken Henderson...........................246-10X

101/2 Meters

Doug Bell...................................250-18X
Mike Cameron.............................250-17X
Keith Lovan.................................250-15X
Lew Beaudrot...............................249-17X
Jim Pherson..................................249-14X
John Spafford................................249-13X
Jim Mollica.....................................247-16
Joe Turturro...................................247-15X
Bill Schertz....................................247-13X
Steve Lloyd....................................247-12X

131/2 Meters

Lew Beaudrot.................................249-17X
Doug Bell.......................................249-12X
Keith Lovan....................................248-14X
Jim Mollica......................................248-12X
Steve Lloyd.....................................248-11X
Jim Pherson.....................................247-16X
Ron McCormick.................................247-14X
Doug Weeter....................................247-10X
John Spafford....................................245-14X
Steve Bessler.....................................245-9X

2 Gun Meters

Doug Bell...........................................499-30X
Keith Lovan........................................498-29X
Jim Pherson........................................496-30X
Lew Beaudrot......................................496-25X
Jim Mollica..........................................495-28X

3 Gun Meters

Doug Bell...........................................749-48X
Jim Pherson........................................744-40X
Keith Lovan........................................744-37X
Lew Beaudrot.....................................743-40X
Steve Lloyd........................................743-34X

6 Gun

Doug Bell............................................1492-82X
Steve Lloyd.........................................1490-75X
Keith Lovan.........................................1487-82X
Mike Cameron......................................1486-92X
Jim Mollica...........................................1486-75X
Thanks Bill +

A BIG Thank You from me as well Bill. Even with good help, there is still a heavy load when running a Championship Event. Your efforts make this event worth extending my stay each year.

Great shooting Doug

You did well all weekend and deserved the 6 gun, congratulations.
Mike Cameron

P.S. Thanks Bill you did very well and the shrimp were fantastic this year, thanks to all the scoring team and the target crew as well.
Crawfish Shoot

I want to say Congrats also to Doug for some fine shooting this weekend, all of your hard work and practice showed some super results. Guess those "Falcons" and "Halls" will shoot after all, imagine that? I really want to say a big "THANK YOU" to all who helped me thru this weekend:
Lew Beaudrot timing/running relay 2, all around assistant
Dr. Bob Pekaar, go-to-guy
Steve Lloyd, Keith Lovan, Jim Mollica, scoring
Ken Henderson, Steve Fessler, target crew
Doug Weeter, Tech Support
Doug Bell for sending in the scores to Rachel and the shooting lessons!
Bob Collins for bringing all the rifles from the estate of the late Gary Mitchell. If you are looking for a match-ready gun, you might want to contact him. Gary Had some exceptional shooting guns, and we truly missed him at this years match, he was a mentor, friend, and a strong competitor. We are, without a doubt, going to miss him.
Finally to all the shooters who showed up for a fun filled shooting weekend and some fresh shrimp. We had some of the "Heavy Hitters" with the likes of Doug Bell, Mike Cameron, Steve Lloyd, Keith Lovan, Jim Pherson, Jim Mollica, Pete Wass, Ron McCormick, and the list goes on. Thanks to all and hope you had a safe and uneventful trip home. See you all on the range this season, we really started it off right! Thumper!
You did well all weekend and deserved the 6 gun, congratulations.
Mike Cameron

P.S. Thanks Bill you did very well and the shrimp were fantastic this year, thanks to all the scoring team and the target crew as well.

Thanks Mike for the kind words. Doug