2013 IBS Group Nationals at Holton, MI


Greg Reed

Hello All:

I have been approached with some questions relative the IBS Group Nationals being hosted by Holton Gun and Bow Club, so thought that this would be a good place to provide some general information. Additional information relative to Match Director contacts, local motels, medical, as well as where pre-registration/letters of intent can be found on either the IBS web site or on Holtons' site (holtongunandbowclub.com, under the Calendar tab).

The dates are August 5th thru August 10th, and will follow recent format (HB, SP/LV, HV at 100yd, then SP/LV, HV, HB at 200yd).

Flag sponsors are; Bob Scarbough Jr, Kip Jones, Tony Boyer, Dave Holmes, Larry Costa, Russell Rains (left Handed), Jack Neary, Bob Hamister. If you have a preference please speak-up.

Our camping electrical upgrade is in progress, and will be finished before the Nationals. We have doubled the size of the transformer and breaker panels (400 amps now North of the firing line), and each supply point will be limited to 120volts, and 20 or 30 amps!

If you have any additional questions they should be directed to Match Director Connie Wyant at 231-821-2994 , sissy620@comcast.net. If that does not work let me know, and I will see if I can help.

Greg Reed
Connie has been quite helpful and I already have a camping spot,

pehaps for those unfamiliar with the particular type of flags that each of the rotaiotns have you could elaborate a bit more, (smileys, graham flags and so on)

just a thought

I think most of these guys have Smiley Flags.....
Could be wrong........

Greg. Thanks.
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I can only say what I saw a the Super Shoot as far as flags.

Bob jr, Tony, and Jack have Smiley flags. Larry Costa had some of his own built that are copies of Smiley's. Kip has a different style altogether.

Not sure about Russell, Bob or Dave.

Hope this helps.

Joe Hynes
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Dave Holmes' flags are flying at WWCCA. Tail with a ball on the front. NO daisy wheel thingie.
My favorite type of flag.:cool: