2011 list champ



Congratulations to MIKE CAMERON the 2011 IR 50/50 List Champ.
Forty Eight matches at 13 different ranges is quite an accomplishment especially when
the majority of them are hundreds of miles from home.
Congratulations Mike! Well done, you put in a bunch of road work and got it done. You shot very well too! I really appreciate your attendance at our matches this season, and enjoyed shooting with you. I hope you'll come back again next season!
Thanks guys I have had a wonderful year.I have made so many new friends going to all the new ranges this year, it has been a whirlwind of a year.The folks I have shot with this year have taught me a lot and I have enjoyed every minute, great folks great competitors and I want to thank all of you for the great times I wont forget.
Mike Cameron
Congratulations Mike!

Great shooting by a great competitor. I look forward to us shooting together again next year.
Congratulations on your IR 50/50 List win

? Are you going to the ARA Indoor Nationals

I think this would be a good test between
The best Edge IR 50/50 Target Shooter
And the worse Edge ARA Target

I bet the results would be most interesting

I hope I get to go

Congratulations on your IR 50/50 List win

? Are you going to the ARA Indoor Nationals

I think this would be a good test between
The best Edge IR 50/50 Target Shooter
And the worse Edge ARA Target

I bet the results would be most interesting

I hope I get to go


I may go Cliff havent decided yet.It is a 10 hour ride for me so I may not as well. As for the best/worse edge it is what it is.
I hope you can make it
As for best / worse edge I agree it is what it is
I shot IR 50/50 for years
I think the ARA target is harder to shoot
I do know for me shooting a 50 is easy
But that is just my opinion
Hope you can shoot some ARA targets and then Voice your opinion
I hope you can make it
As for best / worse edge I agree it is what it is
I shot IR 50/50 for years
I think the ARA target is harder to shoot
I do know for me shooting a 50 is easy
But that is just my opinion
Hope you can shoot some ARA targets and then Voice your opinion

I have shot ARA Cliff and I dont find it any harder I do find myself concentrating harder because of the worse edge factor.To me shooting ARA is the same as trying to shoot strictly x's on an IR card.Most of the time when shooting IR I am trying to shoot 10's but when trying to shoot x's it takes much more concentration, that is the way I look at shooting ARA it is like shooting X's on an IR card.I hope that isnt too confusing .
Mike Cameron
Your explanation is not confusion to me at all
You have explained your feelings very well

I agree with your earlier statement it is what it is
Cliff Keesee
Good shooting Mike. You shot well every where you went and that is not easy to do. I have to agree that the target is what it is and ARA and 50-50 are both shot differently. Is one harder to shoot than the other? I don't think it is! They are both difficult for a guy like me. I do think it is harder to win a match in 50-50 than ARA. For example you can shoot 2 25 point bulls in ARA and still shoot a 2350 which will win a lot of matches and most likley the A-Line. The same bull would be a minus 4 in 50-50 and I don't believe you could win very many matches. Even if it was only a minus 2 you still would not win the match 99% of the time and none of the score lines.
Good shooting Mike. You shot well every where you went and that is not easy to do. I have to agree that the target is what it is and ARA and 50-50 are both shot differently. Is one harder to shoot than the other? I don't think it is! They are both difficult for a guy like me. I do think it is harder to win a match in 50-50 than ARA. For example you can shoot 2 25 point bulls in ARA and still shoot a 2350 which will win a lot of matches and most likley the A-Line. The same bull would be a minus 4 in 50-50 and I don't believe you could win very many matches. Even if it was only a minus 2 you still would not win the match 99% of the time and none of the score lines.

That is true Sam and think about this what is a perfect card in ARA? A 2500, how many 2500's were shot last year?Now what is a perfect card in IR? A 250 25X, how many of those were shot last year?It is pretty evident which is harder to shoot the perfect score on and that is what we strive for when we pull up to the bench everytime isnt it?
Mike Cameron