2011 IBS 600 Yard Nationals - Results


Senile Member
Just got a text from Rodney that said Sam Hall won the whole thing at Yukon!!!
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First off, I would like to thank Robert Ross, his family and crew on putting on a very well ran match! Everyone I talked too had a great time, no complaints! The match ran as smooth as silk. There were 70 shooters at this Nationals, one of the higher attended IBS 600 yard Nationals.
The first day, Light Gun shot all 8 targets. Conditions were no cake walk. Swithchy winds of 15-20mph at times. Richard Schatz shot very strong to finish 1st overall LG Champion, followed by Rookie Ryan Hunt of MO. Mike Eshleman took 3rd overall LG. LG 1st in score was Richard Schatz with a 372, 1st in group was Sam Hall with a 2.444 agg.
Saturday was 8 targets of HG. The winds had died down some from Friday, but the mirage was very hard to deal with. It was hard to try to find a point of aim. With the help of a great shooting HG and a great spotter behind me, I was fortunate to take 1st in HG overall with 1st in score of 379 and 1st in group of 2.210. Glen Sterling shot extremely well in HG for a 2nd overall HG finish. Al Forbes took 3rd overall HG with some fine shooting.
The 2-Gun overall was Sam Hall followed by Rookie Ryan Hunt! Glen Sterling 3rd. 4th, Mike Eshleman of MO. It was great to see some old friends. It is going to be a long wait now til next season! On the bright side, next month I can take my boys deer hunting! Samuel Hall
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As stated above, congratulations are in order for some outstanding shooting. We appreciate everyone that came to the match, and all of the cooperation which was required for the match to progress so well.

I would also like to thank (and ask that you support!) the sponsors of this year's IBS 600 Yard Nationals:

L.E. Wilson Tools and Gauges
J. Dewey Mfg.
Pac Nor Barreling
Krieger Barrels
Pacific Tool & Gauge
Hunt's Long Range Supply
Sierra Bullets
Dave Manson Reamers
K&M Precision Shooting Products
Borden Rifles
D & B Supply
Precision Rifle & Tool
Benchmark Barrels - (360) 652-2594
Bartlein Barrels


The match results are posted and available from our IBS 600 Yard Nationals page, and should be available on the IBS's website shortly. More pictures of the match will be posted soon.

Thanks again to all that came, and we're already looking forward to next year!

Robert Ross
Midwest Benchrest
Congratulations you shot great all weekend you work hard at this game and your hard work has paid off. I stood behind you all 16 targets your as smooth as any shooter I have ever watched.

what about the rest of the field? Can we see any results anywhere? I had some good friends shooting in this match and i would like to see how they did. Lee
Had a great time at the IBS 600 Yard Nationals, Yukon, Missouri, thanks to Robert Ross and his hard working family--not to mention the enjoyment of driving through the beautiful wooded and pastured rolling hills of southeast Missouri.

The following note was attached to my loading notes for my load for the Nationals and it was thought that some of you might enjoy seeing the Top Five shooter's results listed side by side--would have included more but there was not room in my notes format:

Henry Childs

September 30, October 1, 2011
(All groups shown, starting at Group-1, LG through Group-8, HG)

#1 #2 #3 #4 #5
Samual Hall Ryan Hunt Glen Sterling Mike Eshleman Richard Schatz
(Light Gun)
Tgt. #1 1.429 2.397 4.219 2.922 1.861
2.849 2.685 2.946 2.221 4.092
1.511 2.798 2.662 3.917 2.670
2.996 3.244 3.630 3.687 2.998
2.017 2.287 2.916 3.505 3.580
3.329 2.584 4.874 2.832 3.249
3.177 3.458 3.739 2.455 2.324
Tgt. #8 2.242 2.391 3.561 3.659 1.683

LG Agg 2.444 2.731 3.568 3.150 2.807
LG Score 355 368 357 362 372

(Heavy Gun)
Tgt. #1 1.595 3.764 1.609 1.978 3.793
1.684 1.708 2.668 3.329 4.987
2.120 2.917 1.493 4.458 3.021
1.344 2.443 2.919 2.017 2.798
3.475 3.330 2.995 2.127 2.349
2.375 2.125 3.548 1.999 2.854
2.916 1.577 3.495 3.689 4.342
Tgt. #8 2.173 2.361 2.849 2.628 2.349

HG Agg 2.210 2.528 2.697 2.778 3.312
HG Score 379 347 375 337 343
Attached file spaced properly

The attached file shows Top Five data spaced properly.


  • IBS600ydnationals.txt
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Small Group

Don Raburn of Missouri shot the small group of the meet at 0.876" in LG. It was stated that the group set a new range record.

One other impressive group I saw by chance was shot by a fellow, don't recall his name, who won the relay with a group slightly over 2" but four of the rounds were in the x-ring. I passed a tape measure over the group quickly and the four rounds appeared to be under a 0.5" spread. I think it was HG class but since notes were not taken I am not sure.

Henry, do you plan to shoot at Goodwill next Saturday (10/15/11)? Bobby Wroten and I are planning to be there. James Mock


I told several fellows including Tommy Ramage I would not be there because of opening of Arkansas muz. loading deer season--it does not open until October 22 though. So yes, I will be there with my rifle and with Nancy and her new rifle and it is good to hear that you and Bobby will be there.

Our rifles are equipped with new muzzle brakes. I have modified them a bit since the 600 Yard Nationals at Yukon, so beware.

BTW, the Yukon range is quite difficult, especially for the first few relays. With the sun rising off to the right a little, it is difficult to spot one's sighters unless one has a good coach/spotters behind his bench with good optics. I tried to convince folks that black paint on the gongs makes it much easier to see ones bullet impact point. Robert Ross agreed but said most folks want white paint on the gongs.

Nancy and I both enjoyed thourghly, the matches at Yucon in August and the Sept./Oct IBS 600 Yard Nationals. We plan to be back in 2012.

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Henry, I plan to take a sabatical from short range BR next year. Maybe I can make it to a registered 600 yard shoot and give my Dasher a try. See you Saturday. James
Midwest Benchrest @ Yukon


I hear the IBS 600 Nationals will be at St. Louis in 2012--also rumors that the IBS 1000 Nationals will be at Yukon, MO in 2012. Yukon is probably around 500 miles for you. The Texas 600 yard state championship was held at an NBRSA range in east Texas earlier this year.

Don't limit your Dasher to 600 yards, they work very well at 1000 yards also, as you probably know.

More Statistics on the Yukon 600 Nationals

In the guns fired by the top five competitors in 2-Gun, it appears that only Ryan Hunt might have used the same rifle in both LG and HG.

The average of the group Aggs of the five top 2-gun finishers in LG was 2.940”. The average of the group Aggs of the five top 2-gun competitors in HG was 2.705”. It appears the general consensus is that the second day of competition, involving HG competition, was an easier wind condition. Thus the better average group size for the five top 2-gun finishers was aided by better wind conditions, the use by some competitor of true heavy rifles and other unknowns.

Richard Schatz’s results, with a 2.807 Agg in LG with a score of 372 and a 3.312 Agg in HG with a score of 343, imply that Richard might have finished higher than #5 in 2-gun had he used his LG in HG competition. Some shooters, including Richard Schatz, might not agree with that conclusion.

The above observations lead to the following interesting statistics which lists the number and average of all groups fired by the five top 2-gun competitors, classified by group size, that is, the number and average of 1.---” groups, the number and average of 2.---” groups, the number and average of 3.---” groups and the number and average of 4.---” groups. Each of the Top Five in 2-Gun, have their individual group distributions shown to the right of the 80-group distribution:

-----------------------------------Sam------ Ryan---------Glen--------Mike-------Richard
(13) 1” groups @ avg. of 1.652”----(5) 1.5126 (2) 1.6425 (2) 1.551- (2) 1.9885 (2) 1.772
(39) 2” groups @ avg. of 2.569”----(8) 2.461- (10) 2.4988 (7) 2.8507 (7) 2.4574 (7) 2.6203
(22) 3” groups @ avg. of 3.508”----(3) 3.327- (4) 3.449- (5) 3.5946 (6) 3.631- (4) 3.4107
(06) 4” groups @ avg. of 4.495”--------------------------(2) 4.5465 (1) 4.458 (3) 4.4737

The 80-groups fired by the Top Five 2-Gun competitors averaged 2.822”
The smallest group fired by the Top Five 2-Gun competitors was 1.344"
The largest group fired by the Top Five 2-Gun competitors was 4.987"

The point of the above is that it is just interesting statistics to me--statistics that the folks that run the matches do not have time to present.

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