2008 ARA Winter Nationals

The only thing I want worse...

...Fred is for my 'Gators to beat the stink outta Alabama Saturday afternoon, December 6. I have been assured by the match director that television of that game will be available at the Barn. Now, assuming my 'Gators win only apple cake will do; should they (perish the thought) lose, forget the apple cake. Now do you understand why I admonished Doug for the ice?:)

you may get your wish, but we aren't going down without a fight. They plan on taking Tebow down at the knees and fry up Gator Tail in the end. Either way, it should be one heck of a game. ROLL TIDE ROLL!:p

Won't be long now!!
Looking forward to seeing everyone--travel safely.
Looks like we are going to have a crowd!:):):)
Florida beat Who?

...Fred is for my 'Gators to beat the stink outta Alabama Saturday afternoon, December 6. I have been assured by the match director that television of that game will be available at the Barn. Now, assuming my 'Gators win only apple cake will do; should they (perish the thought) lose, forget the apple cake. Now do you understand why I admonished Doug for the ice?:)

NOT in your wildest dreams will Florida beat Alabama. garrisone.

...I'll take Dorothty's apple cake anyway I can get it. Eat it frozen if necessary. Plan to use it (hopefully) in celebration of 'Gators beating hell out of an over rated Alabama team. Cya at Rocky River - apple cake or no.
Hey Hoke,
I'll help ya on that cake, I've lost 50lb's need to get a few of em back.See ya at the barn

Gary, I can't think of...

...anyone I'd rather share it with, assuming Dorothy is bringing one, of course. Look forward to seeing you at the Barn. Think we have reservations at the same motel.:D
...anyone I'd rather share it with, assuming Dorothy is bringing one, of course. Look forward to seeing you at the Barn. Think we have reservations at the same motel.:D

Be good too see ya, hope Allen's gonna make the trip too

Yeah, Allan's coming with me. Gotta watch him. If he gets after Dorothy's apple cake like he eats brownies none of us stands a chance. Hey, Fred, when're y'all gonna get there? Gotta make sure nobody steals that cake until Dorothy gives the "go" sign.:)
y'all better bring something warm too wear according too the weather man it's not gonna be a heat wave his weekend. but I might just be a little cold natured now I think I have too maney steel plates in me too get warm!!!!!!!
Log on the fire

It's Doug's job to keep the fire going inside the barn. Apple cake, can do, just so much.
Lets See now!
Keep The Fire Going Thursday thru Sunday.
Hold Computer Classes Thursday Evening.

What will I do with the rest of my time? :rolleyes:

Anyone interested in a class on building Wind Indicators and Wind Flags??
I spent a lot of time updating Wind Flags in The Wind is Not Your Friend.
If anyone is interested I will bring along some sample pieces so they can see firsthand what I am trying to explain on the website.
Just give me a call or email before noon tomorrow.
Just got off the phone with Dan Killough and he said he was comeing to Rocky River and was going too bring some of the PSL targets too try

Hey, Doug,

Bring along some of that wind stuff to the barn. This is another old pilot who needs to learn more.:confused:
Standings as of sat

Anyone know the standings at end of sat match????????