2000 Mules

Our digital world

I guess what's more scary to me, is that people continue to use their phones, their computers, their credit cards online, their Google traffic and navigation, weather apps, real-time monitoring of their entire lives and monetary transactions...people don't even want to write checks or use cash anymore they want electronic transfer of everything and yet they are concerned with security?

People, the reason you can get a real-time traffic read out on your way to work is because of real-time monitoring. I know people who don't have social security numbers, I know lots of people who won't own a phone, these are people who are actually doing something about security

Your computer has a address ,you can't hide, also known as a cyber footprint. I have no cell phone, my vehicle is tracked by On Star or Elon's Blue Link or another. The cyber experts have solved the link to the 2020 election fraud, The States heavily involved and ran by Republicans in the legislature and high office are obstructing investigation and many courts are guilty of obstruction also. Mainstream news doesn't cover it ???? why. The info is out there. YOU HAVE TO SEE IT TO BELIEVE IT. They will explain it to you so you can comprehend.
Memorial Day is coming up, get out and visit a National Cemetery if one is close. HONOR those who served and kept us free.
Your computer has a address ,you can't hide, also known as a cyber footprint. I have no cell phone, my vehicle is tracked by On Star or Elon's Blue Link or another. The cyber experts have solved the link to the 2020 election fraud, The States heavily involved and ran by Republicans in the legislature and high office are obstructing investigation and many courts are guilty of obstruction also. Mainstream news doesn't cover it ???? why. The info is out there. YOU HAVE TO SEE IT TO BELIEVE IT. They will explain it to you so you can comprehend.
Memorial Day is coming up, get out and visit a National Cemetery if one is close. HONOR those who served and kept us free.

Totally false.....

I CAN hide, I just choose not to.

Those folks who live off grid (couple my sisters) and those folks I mentioned who don't have SS# CAN and DO hide just fine. This ain't rocket science, you choose to imbibe in the mainstream you better accept that you ARE being monitored. Suck it up.

You want out??? Get out, get off the web and go live in the bush somewhere's ........ otherwise quit whining!

Bottom line is, you decide to pee off the water tower, somebody might see......and take a picture to document the event like just happened yesterday to Johnny in Kingsland AR.........BTST you slither about on the world wide web and you WILL be seen, and recorded 24/7

I will be hanging out with 1300-1400 friends Memorial Weekend as we've raised our family to do for 40yrs..... we did miss one year cuz Da' Covi't created arguments and guys like me who never wore a mask said "Sorry, you're on your own!" which shut the whole campout down, 1 time out of 57years......but other than that my 8 yardapes have never lived in a world where we didn't rent an entire fairgrounds/rodeo grounds/park.....there will be flags, there will be singing, there will be huge bonfires and tons of roasting meat. There will be stirring speeches, parades with hundreds of grubby liddle anklebiters waving dirty flags in one hand and treats in the other.... and trips down memory lane.

I've watched the sun come up in many a long-drawn conversation at "the Campout".....

And yes, several hundred of us will pack the Tygh Valley Cemetery so full they'll barely be able to fire their rifles....... sometimes the skirlers and Taps players go out the fence and down the road so they don't deafen the younguns.....

And folks will cry.

NOT whine, cry......and we will be thankful.

And sorry to say, we will all be Republicans.....
Just because it's been bothering me I feel I must add, "implicit in the statement "self-made man" is this qualifier....."

Speaking for I myself and hundreds of useful and efficacious folks, actual/factual bill-payers who work like dogs every day for The American Ideal and are settled enough to know that they are productive members of society..... the credit goes to God, not to ourselves.

(((This isn't for you Hunter)))

And to all others reading...... I've never preached nor professed prior but it must be said. "It ain't me, actually, I'm just a vessel"

(((but it also ain't what Hunter believes it is)))

And I AM NOT a vassal.
I watched the documentary. Catchy title. Makes you want to see what it’s all about. I know how cell phone tracking technology is used to corroborate evidence. I know more about old school,real time, hard line tracing, I.e,Wire taps,pen registers, transponders( signal transmitters),etc. Cell phone tracing,without evidence,at best,provides an investigative lead. All it takes,to file a complaint,is the uncorroborated testimony of one witness. There’s allegedly 2000 to choose from.
Where’s Rudy?

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......... I know how cell phone tracking technology ........

What absolutely SICKENS me is when Da' Goobermint (FBI/CIA/DHS/POS etc) comes right out and brags about how they went and dug out cell phone convos, emails and texts and tracking data "to catch a terrorist cell" and all the dumbasses around me hoot and cheer!!

SICK whiny stupid barstids.... many of them think they're conservatives......actually believe that these gregious affronts to privacy are worthy because it "helps catch terrorists" then they set about whining about "government surveillance"......

Ain't nobody ever been headed off at the pass in the real world..... the "Whitmer Kidnapping" trial is so embarrassing the media won't even cover it....

And unlike the movies, CCTV and cell phone data, 'Amber Alerts', freeway signs and all the "forensic" BS ....... other than DNA, nothing more than footwork and luck solves crimes. And ain't NUTTIN' heads off criminal behaviour preemptively except fear of punishment.

And YET, when the news says "FBI located the bad guys by combing through cell phone data" which is code for "tell us again how you'll accept intrusion into your private lives in the name of Good".....
We have no one other to blame but us we the people ourselves for what is taking place.
Somewhere in time this country was run by and for we the people and we have since unfortunately turned it all over to our extremely corrupt government.
It is also by any means now being run for us but only for itself.
No,No, the real dumbasses are the 2000 mules who forgot to turn off their cell phones. There is no expectation of privacy when third parties provide the service. Case Law. Smart criminals know this. The ones that don’t, get to explain why their phone was at or near the crime scene,if they get accused of some wrong doing.

Fact. Phones can get you in a lot trouble. It didn’t just start with cell phones.

We have no one other to blame but us we the people ourselves for what is taking place.
Somewhere in time this country was run by and for we the people and we have since unfortunately turned it all over to our extremely corrupt government.
It is also by any means now being run for us but only for itself.

I disagree... :) .... with your 2nd sentence. Because it disagrees with your first sentence.


WE..... the collective, vote for this stuff!

Billy Clinton was and is one of the basest peadophilic corruption-mongers in our history and he's not only out running free as Elsa the lionesse but folks PAY him for his sagacity! Because of him I've been stocking up on a variety of shooting that he BANNED during his constituency and which many of these marxist "conservatives" supported!

WE, shooters are our own worst enemy!

For instance, most shooters on the street today will quickly come out against Hellfires or bumpstocks....
AND, it must be said..... most LEO's will come out against my wife being able to drop a 45ACP into her handbag.....

"CCW"...... "permission" to carry concealed......we're a bunch of programmed monkey-children and if our generation doesn't FIX IT, our kids will be worse. I'm headed down to the range in just a bit to record a segment against a backdrop of 50 steel targets to be put up on the innernet just to show people that SHOOTING IS FUN!!

Go Jerry Miculek!

I personally disagree or we would not currently be where we are!
If you do not agree how in the Hell did we ever let ourselves get to where we are ??

I personally disagree or we would not currently be where we are!
If you do not agree how in the Hell did we ever let ourselves get to where we are ??

Because by and large "the people" don't think like me!!

Because we (the collective we) did not raise our families with solid values and an ability to make good decisions...... and their kids are out-voting us. By our own rules, playing our own game, we are outnumbered.

I'm saying that "election fraud" or no election fraud, we MUST get better at showing our kids and grandkids what they're throwing away.

That whether or not the Presidential election was rigged is immaterial because we're being outvoted clear down to school board level......teachers have always been stupid overall, that cannot and will not ever change but it is the job of school boards and involved parents to set them straight.I'm sorry, I'm an effectual parent, business owner and member of things that build stuff and I know from experience that it NEVER works out! That "working out" occurs when the adults take the reins. I've spent tens, nay hundreds of thousands stepping in to rescue hapless projects started by well-intentioned people. ONE guy, (or most often me and my wife :) ) , stepping in to salvage the work of 20....... and those 20 outvote us. So if we just bail the kids out and don't make it a learning moment.......we've failed.

Bring A Kid Shooting!!!!

We've got a lot of work to do as a society if we want our kids and grandkids to have a place to run free with dangerous objects.

And BTW some very loud and effective people are picking up the reins...... youtube might be our salvation! When millions of people are exposed to folks like Peter Ziehan and Russell Brand and LFR Family and they begin, slowly, to THINK!! And ask questions...... change is nearly inevitable. So for the first time in my life I have hope of actual change and growth in our nation.

The problems have always been there, but IMO the best descriptor is that for the pimple to pop, it must first come to a head.

And it's coming closer to a head every day...

Thank God.
I believe most parents do indeed try to raise their children right and I surely did.

But those children also spend typically 12 years in school and that is where the real problem lies. The schools in my own area in California are responsible for destroying everything that they are being taught at home.