19" 6ppc barrel


Active member
Fellas i have a 19" 6ppc barrel that i bought with 100 rounds fired through it. I havent gotten to shoot this barrel yet but i did just put it on one of my Bat actions for this weekend. My question is, is there anything i need to know about shooting such a short ppc barrel. Do i need to start with a little more powder than normal, say 29gr? I didnt know if the short barrel would effect burn rate or anything like that. Just curious, and the board is a little slow so i thought this might be something interesting to talk about. Thanks Lee
I Like That

"Do I start with a little more powder than usual, say 29 grns".

Seriously, there are a lot of Benchrest Rifles out there with 19 inch barrels. Just treat it like any other ...........jackie
thanks Jackie i will do that. IT just seemed to me as pretty short. I was just concerned about velocity levels i guess. I was just wondering, thats all! Lee
Barrel harmonics

Back before it was the day they used to think shorter fatter stiffer was the key.
Now that we have a better understanding of barrel harmonics and other vibration issues.
Is shorter and stiffer better or longer which by weight necessity means thinner?
19 inch ppc barrel

I think it was a 20 inch that was popular back in the 70's.
Thats what the 40xbr had in the L/V.
Barrel harmonics.
Try this www.The Long family.com
Its an interesting view on harmonics.

Gerry the link does not work.
I tried thelongfamily.com
and longfamily.com
But neither work and your listing of the link has spaces.
Would you repost the link?
Man oh Man!!!!

Fellas, I may have to start shooting only 19" barrels!! LOL!!! Today i took the barrel out to the range just to see how it would do. I just threw together a couple loads here at the house before i went so it was a crap shoot to begin with, but Man Oh Man does that short dude shoot!!!!! My load was 28.9gr of n133 (08 lot), Geo Ulrich 66.5gr 6.5 ogive, BT bullets ( I only had about 10 of them) and a remington 7.5 BR Primer. I set five of them in the lands and jumped 5 at 40 thou off the lands. The load in the lands had some vertical, but it was small. The 40 jump, shot the best group of my life!! With us measuring it was something like .030 but just four shots. (I had to use a couple to foul the barrel) I sure wish i had some more of them magic bullets. I just send George an Pm requesting some. George sure does make some fine bullets. And he is a hell of a guy to boot!! I shot some of his FB 68gr bullets today as well in another used barrel i bought with 150 rounds on it, and i would say it agged something like .220. Anyway i am just rambling so i will move on from here. Just wanted to say, I sure like my short little barrel!!!!!! Lee