$18 for a cap????

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Just look at Harley Davidson, they don't give anything away.

Pay for it or forget it, why whinnnnnne about it.
Well, you know Hammy is our little resident trollette, and he must be feeling esp. bad, now that Tim's set a (potential) record. He's just after a little attention. You'll notice he's very polite, making extra posts in order that everyone who responds gets a personalized post. A marketing thing, I suppose.

Hello Chuckles

Still smarting after all this time I see. As for Timbo, even empty threat makers get lucky occasionally.

I make it a rule to be polite. Politeness costs nothing and seperates the gentlemen from the oaf's. Perhaps you'd like to slap one of your rule infringement warnings on me....... oh thats right you can't, can you. You're no long a forum mod. :D

Just look at Harley Davidson, they don't give anything away.

Pay for it or forget it, why whinnnnnne about it.

If you really think Harley don't give stuff away. You are either mistaken, misinformed, or have never been the right customer.
I sure won't pay for it, and customers rarely forget being exploited.
Probably not a bad price for a "good" ball cap. Have you priced having any good quality ball caps made up lately? Where can I get one of these caps you're talking about? My old Eley cap is getting pretty worn to wear at formal functions such as weddin's and such. Thanks.


You NC boys sure know how to dress fancy.......... I have a BNB NASCAR sponsers ball cap I could send you if you're feeling under dressed.
Are you people nuts or just bored..............or both? I can't believe I just read this whole thread.
No doubt! Nuts & bored......"Hammy" go get yerself a nice tall Stetson & put your HOF. pin on it. You'll be good to go! Oh......btw. Their not free either. Ed.
Yep! Thats the ticket, my friend........you could be stylin in that! Fightin off the ladies too! LOL!!!
Is that not the LBJ hat? You won't get one of them for $18.00 It is is a wedding and funeral hat. Cannot wear it without having $1500 mighty fine boots on either. bob
Your right Bob it is.
A good Stetson will start about $130 and avg around $250 and up.

To the original OP I understand your point but I buy Browning caps and pay about $14 at Academy.
Hello Chuckles

Still smarting after all this time I see. As for Timbo, even empty threat makers get lucky occasionally.

I make it a rule to be polite. Politeness costs nothing and seperates the gentlemen from the oaf's. Perhaps you'd like to slap one of your rule infringement warnings on me....... oh thats right you can't, can you. You're no long a forum mod. :D


Hey Wilbur, are you beginning to wonder why this a..hole has been banned from every forum he's pretended to be a shooter on??
Hello Chuckles

Still smarting after all this time I see. As for Timbo, even empty threat makers get lucky occasionally.

I make it a rule to be polite. Politeness costs nothing and seperates the gentlemen from the oaf's. Perhaps you'd like to slap one of your rule infringement warnings on me....... oh thats right you can't, can you. You're no long a forum mod. :D


You have to remember Ed, Hammy here resides in Scotland, or some other dreary place, doesn't shoot any particular brand of BR from what anybody can tell and specializes in "keyboard shooting". You will never see his name in a match report, never a list of accomplishment his specialty is annyamous sniping about others efforts, exactly as Charles has described... A troll.

I'm guessing usually typed while sitting at the keyboard in proper attire, probably mom's bloomers.
Tim: Im sorry.....Scotland,....hmmmmm That might be what's called a "kilt" good idea, or "real Bad" when the wind blows. dos'nt paint a pretty picture for me. So Hammy, you mean you can't pin a HOF pin on that Stetson? Btw. what disipline, or type of Br. do you shoot in Scottland or anywhere ? Let's clear the air here. I like to know who Im speaking to,as I find it very usefull talking to veteran benchrest shooters, mostly RF. benchrest, which is the major purpose for this forum. I guess I must also ask, while we're clearing the air......" ARE you a Troll? & Do you really need a new hat? I could help you out with a new hat , but I know nothing of the affliction's of "Trollism" Thank's very much in advance. Ed.
Yep, I like to dress fancy now and then just to show off. Got me one of them PAPPAS RIMFIRE HATS coming in the mail, so I'm good on hats for a spell. I hope it looks almost as good on me as it does on his dog. That'sa pretty dog. Thanks for bringing the hat to my attention. I think he sold out fast once folks knew he had hats for sale.

NASCAR ehh? The company I used to work for sponsored one of them 'lil ole race cars and still does. #48 is the car number. Probably never heard of it over there but, It's done pretty well.
Well, I'm off to set up the range for tomorrows event, and test a new experimental sporter barrel.
Thanks again for posting the info on the hats. they're a deal at 18 bucks.
OK ALL RITE OK.......Nice going Hammy, I just called to order one of those fine $18.00 hats, that you so completly "bad mouthed" to the point where the nice man was totally insulted, I had to make him understand that WE do not all share the same opinions. I like the product, and Im not to proud to pay a few bucks to show just that! Poeple have pride & feelings & both are easly hurt, OK? If you dont want to buy a hat....fine! they are limmited, that means more for the guys who DO want to buy a hat. **&&^%*&$#@! wtf! Ed Longo Windsor Ny !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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