I farm , Caps are popular with the ag industry, John Deere is one of the biggest players in the industry, if you have never been in a John Deere store,you need to go,they sell their logo on pajamas, womens underwear, you name it, they sell it! I frequent the place often and have never seen a bin that has free caps ! Now the salesman ocassionally will give me a couple when I purchase a new piece of equipment,but then is that Free? Caterpillar is the same! I was in sales also for 25 years ,we had a promotional budget or allowance ,when we went over that it was a deduct out of my check, I hated cap moochers and the world is full of those kind of parasites! Nothing is Free ,you may mooch something ,but somebody `s acct was charged and it was not a cheap one,moochers want the best damn cap availible and whine can you give me one for my grandson too! Most good salesman keep their promotional Items in their wives undergarments draw to hold for their premium accts! If he doesn`t, his pay check will be extremely short of $ !! Join the REAL WORLD If you like it, want it ,need it, buy it! If not; Get back in soup line with the other parasites ,you just may be a democrat!