17 rimfire

First and foremost, the .17 Hummer is inherently more accurate and no waxy slug would have any fun shooting against it. The .17, and the 22ppc to a greater extent, will do at 100 yards what the .22rimfire will do at 50 yards.

I'm sorry, should not have done it but just could not resist........
It's much easier to put 5 shots through almost the same hole than it is to shoot the center out of 5 bulls with individual shots on each bull. When you move the gun from bull to bull, it seems to disrupt the gun more than just group shooting and has a tendency to change your point of impact. Good consistant tracking in the bags or rest is crucial, along with good ammo and watching the wind flags to timing when to shoot each shot. This is where all the variables come in to play.

Thanx for the education. I see your point!

I find my 17 HMR shoots a very good group and then it seems I get a flyer once in awhile that doubles the size of the group, but feels fine when I squeezed off. I also get a misfire about every 300 rounds! :confused: With my 223 Sako I can usually feel when I make a bad shot. It could be in the CZ rifle, but it feels like ammo because I'll get 5 to 7 shots in a great group and then one just takes off a little. If it doesn't heal, it's getting a post and action bedding after ground squirrel season! I just did that with my 223 Sako when it opened up its groups and it really made a difference. It seems super consistent now! I also shoot off Harris bipods because they are field guns. That might be part of the problem. ???
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No problem Mr. D. Score shooting is just a whole new experience than just group shooting. My gun I believe will shoot groups with some of the better guns according to what some people more experienced than I have told me. Why I can't seem to shoot better scores than I have or want to is beyond me. Maybe I just don't have the good ammo that my gun needs to score shoot, and a lot of if is me I'm sure shooting when I shouldn't have. Like I said, I'm probably more at fault than my gun. I like shooting groups as much as I like shooting score, and technically both have a direct correlation to each other. But on the other hand, score shooting needs to be practiced to shoot score shooting. The same would be true of practicing group shooting if your going to be shooting groups. Like one great benchrest score shooter told me by the name of Harry Deenan who has more world records and Hall of Fame points than anyone; a gun and ammo that shoots great groups has got to shoot consistantly great scores in all conditions, or your not going to be competitive. I didn't quote Harry on that statement, but I believe I have the idea right to what he was trying to tell me. In other words, he's not so concerned of how small of tiny holes a particular gun and ammo is shooting as he is for how good of score with lot of x's the combination is shooting. I know what he is saying after shooting a couple of matches up in St. Louis against guys like Joe Besche. I can't tell you in detail how accurate Joe's gun with a Douglas barrel is. Laser would be undermining his gun. :D Joe won the ARA A/Line shooter of the year just to give you and idea. I've seen his targets and how he can shoot the centers out of dang near everyone.

If you have't shot any score targets, I invite you to order some of the ARA, IR50/50, RBA, or USBR targets and get you some good ammo for whatever gun you care to use, along with some windflags and have at it. You may just get hooked. ;)

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Spread a 5 shot group out over 20 minutes and see how it works out.

Then...approach a score target one row at a time - or less.
The worst gun in the world will give you a good 5 shoot group if you have enough ammo and you don't get blisters or your trigger finger! :D
Mr Robertson
Come play with us, you are not that far away. We shoot 100 yard Rim Fire Matches every month, and we have a 17 RF Class.

Bob Roach
Big Piney Sportsman's Club
Houston, Missouri

Sounds as if some of you are looking for some one to a challenge. Let the games begin.mudd turtle.