15th Bud Pryor Memorial match, still have benches available.

Dick Grosbier

Club Coordinator
The 15th Bud Pryor Memorial Match will be held June 12, 13, and 14 at Thurmont Md. At this point I still have close to twenty benches available. $30 holds you a bench and it is fully refundable up til 24 hrs before the match if any reason comes up you cannot make it (so far nobody has ever lost a deposit). All shooting of two guns is on a space available basis except for people competing in the Flying Fish 2 gun award. I believe the Flying Fish award is up to $350 this year. Its sponsor David Halblom will correct me if I am wrong.

Come on out and participate in the most popular Score Shoot of the year second only to the IBS Score Nationals and on some years even bigger than the Nationals.

Full information is available in the attached PDF.


  • 2009 tcsc flyer.pdf
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