14 or 13.5 twist

Lee Martin

Active member
I'm finishing up my PPC action and am ordering a couple of Shilen HV blanks tomorrow. Plan to shoot 68 grain Ultras and am curious on twist. Is there much difference between 13.5 and 14? Do you guys have a preference for that combination?


I'm finishing up my PPC action and am ordering a couple of Shilen HV blanks tomorrow. Plan to shoot 68 grain Ultras and am curious on twist. Is there much difference between 13.5 and 14? Do you guys have a preference for that combination?



Let me be the first one to play smartass and say that there's about a .5 difference between the two. Seriously though, when I've asked the same question of experienced br shooters I generally get a shrugging of the shoulders. At my skill level that's a difference without distinction.
I didn't think shilen had half number twist? Maybe I am mistaken though. Seems to me most button barrel makers only offer hole number twist.
To answer your question though. I haven't ever been able to tell any difference. Maybe in cooler/cold weather the 13.5 may have the edge. I personally would like to try a 13 twist.

I have been having good luck with the shilen barrels lately. They sure seem to want to shoot. I am going with a couple this year myself. Lee
If you go with the 14-twist, you can get the 4-groove ratchet rifled barrel. That's what I ordered for my new 6BR barrel since the 8-twist ratchet rifled one works so well. Heck, why not get one of each and let us know which one you prefer?

Shilen does offer both 13.5 and 14 which made me wonder if there are perceived differences. I like your idea Dennis, maybe order one of each and see what shakes out.

BTW, I've used their 4-groove ratchet on some hunting rifles and like it. Can't tell much of a difference in terms of accuracy but it does seem to foul a little less (albeit small).

For the first few years I used 1:14 except one year, about 2002, I used 1:15. You don't want that for 100/200 and bullets in the 790-825 jackets. Then for about 8 years I shot 1:13:5's and seemed ?? to get more flyers??

Had a gain twist 15-14.3 that did good in cold weather but not hot, again???
Now I'm back to mostly 1:13.75- 1:14.

Actually though, IMO, if you stay in the 3200 fps-3350 fps I doubt if you could tell the difference.
barrel twist....

Lee Martin.....In Tony Boyer's book,Chapter 16,he says that a benchrest bullet must spin at approximately 170,000 rpms in order to stabilize. In Chapter 17,he mentions bullet velocity of over 3300 fps and that a 14 twist barrel will spin the bullet over 250 times before reaching 100 yds. Using the formula of RPM=12/TWIST IN INCHES X 60 X MV...A 14 twist @ 3350fps = 172,285 rpms while a 13.5 twist @ 3250fps=173,333rpms. Using the Berger website stability chart and plugging in the numbers required,you'll see relationship of one bullet to another on the stability chart. They'll both be in the Margininal Stability range,but faster twist will have a slight edge. I've shot both and am not skilled enough to really tell the difference......so,I shoot a 13.5. Good luck.

But then you have to deal with Lester........or his son.......or Amy his daughter.

Good luck with that:eek:

Love dealing with brunoshooterssuply any one I have dealt with has been great and plan on spending money there for a long time to come. I hope we all can support those who try to help this sport. We need more companies who supply us with the very specific parts and components that allow us to do this sport. This is not meant as a scolding or correction and I hope it isn't taken that way. I just really want the positive side of things discussed and keep the negativity to a minimum. Hope I do not offend but as a business owner I know how hard/impossible it is to please everyone.

Brandon J.

If you get a good barrel in either twist you made a good decision. Personally, I don't believe there's a difference in how many good ones you can get in a particular twist. If it won't shoot, it very likely ain't the twist rate!
But then you have to deal with Lester........or his son.......or Amy his daughter.

Good luck with that:eek:

I deal with them all the time, have for many years, on-line, on the phone, and at the big shoots. At the big shoots and especially the Super Shoot Lester's bunch show up with a big revival tent full of stuff and they have been in that business long enough to know what to bring.

I just wish the sport had more Lesters!!
Gotta love Shilen. I was quoted 20 weeks on the blanks when I ordered them on 2/17. Just got a UPS notification that they'll arrive this Friday. Shilen has been getting our business for 30+ years. No doubt we'll be sending more money to Ennis for years to come.
