133 Rolling Over

My father and myself are having troubles with 683/03 133 rolling over and going bad. We each had a small bottle with about a 1/2 pound of the powder go bad in our loading boxes. Mine just about rusted/ruined everything near it while his turned into a solid block. He recently gave me an opened 8# jug that has a strong amonia oder and is obviously going bad.

is anyone else having trouble with this lot? I do have a several other years/lots of 133 that have exhibited no problem what so ever.


First, how are you doing, Bill. It's been a long time.
Remember how I used to kid you about being too busy to shoot after you took the big promotion and moved to Dallas. Well, you can chide me now. It seems like the shoe is on the other foot.

As for the powder, I am still shooting that same 683-03 lot, I have about 18 pounds left. I practiced with it yesterday in my Rail Gun and LV, with no ill affects.

Perhaps keeping it in the originol containers helps it stay "fresh". The 8 pounder I am using now is about 2/3 empty, but when I open it, it still has that familiar sweet 133 smell. And it still loads and shoots like it always did, about 30.2 grns seems to be the sweet spot.

I hope to see you soon. It's been a while.
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maybe the storage was the issue ??
temp of the range box ??
Keep powder in its original container. Must be some magic in those bottles as ive had the same issue as you with powder going bad in nalgene bottles for my powder measure in the same action packer as an original container of the same powder that was ok
I have a jug of 99 and one of 02 V133 and they are still the same as when they were sold. These earlier batches were not as performance stable as the post 07 but they still shoot the same velocity, and they are still in their original 8# containers. The post 06 batches apparently have a better controlled cellulose component. There IS a different result for powder made from Pine needles and chipper mill cellulostics.

Dusty may have a point, magic containers. These black containers do have a filler that is an antistat.
Goes bad...

My peronal experience with powders going bad... Some pre 1999 V 133 powder but NOT in
original containor. IMR 4198 in the original total metal containor.

With the 4189, I got ALL THE REST of the metal containor IMR off of my property. The powder
put into total plastic containors >lids as well< and THROUGHLY labled.

Goes from the acetone smell to a somewhat sweetish smell........... Then on too a rancid
awful smell with a vapor/fine "smoke" that tends to be brown redish...

Having metal in the containor even just the lid seperated by a foam/plastic seal will IMOP
hasten the powders demise...
Too... The multi opening and exposing the powder to the atmosphere over a fairly long

Picture of V 133 < 1999 that was "going" ... 1 1/2 pounds moved to an empty clean Hodgdon
bottle (metal lid)... After about a month, going into my powder vault/safe.. I get a BAD smell
..!! An quickly notice the offending containor.. As the freak'n lid had rusted 2/3 open at the top
of the lid (beyond the lid threads).. The bottle was literally smoking.
ALL of this powder has been religated to fertilizer... !

In particular.... If you own IMR >total metal< containor powder and in particular has been opened
at least once in the past...................Check it out..!

Just wondering what you were referring to by “different result” whether you were talking stabilization or the powder.

Curious. Of this powder going bad. Was there any rounds that were loaded???......And what were the findings.....???