11 degree crown w/40 degree recess


New member
I see some BR guns with 11 degree crowns with a 40 degree recess into the lands and some without the 40 degree recess. Is one better and what is the reason of the 40 degree recess?

Thank You in advance
Do a search, as this has been hashed and rehashed many times. It don't matter as long as you have a clean sharp crown.
Search no help

I see the comment of "do a search" often and understand why. BUT, search is often not helpful. So, just for grins, I did a search on "40 degree recess" which is what 6mmdasher asked about. I got ten threads with the words recess and degree in them but nothing that addressed the question he is asking.

I try to search so as to avoid the "do a search dummy" retort when I ask a question but the search tool is just not that good.

The only function that a recess has on the crown of a Benchrest Rifle is to perhaps protect it in the event you drop the Rifle and it lands muzzle first......jackie
I see some BR guns with 11 degree crowns with a 40 degree recess into the lands and some without the 40 degree recess. Is one better and what is the reason of the 40 degree recess?

Thank You in advance

On BR Rifles I've used 90 degree straight crowns with no chamfer and on Hunting / Tactical / Field Style Rifles I've used 11 degree and a USMC style crowns with a 90 degree flat .090” deep with a 45 degree pull back and a 60 degree chamfer. These shot equally well.

With crowns, all that matters is that they are perpendicular to the bore and free of burrs. They all work. There are no special or magical crowns.

You're not using the search function correctly. I got 40 hits using "recessed + crown". Try coupling all of the words.

Its not clear to me what 6mmdasher is asking. Saying that the 40
degree recess is into the lands, imply's a chamfer as on a 40X. The
40 degree recess doesn't normally meet the lands. Some people cut
the end of the barrel at 11 degrees and then add a chamfer where it
meets the lands. Thats not an 11 degree crown.

You're not using the search function correctly. I got 40 hits using "recessed + crown". Try coupling all of the words.


Ray, it may be that I'm ignorant on parameters to use for concatenating words or characters for a search. I went to the FAQ section on the search function and didn't find anything along those lines. Can you point me to a help topic that will show me how to compose a search string. You used a + (plus) sign in your example; where is that type of information available on the board? Also you may have gotten forty hits using recessed and crown but that's not the search string I used. I used "40 degree recess". So, should I have put a + between 40 and degree and another one between degree and recess and enclosed the whole thing in quotes? i.e. "40+degree+recess"

I concatenated the search string using the plus sign and enclosing in quotes and got the same results. Didn't make a difference.