1000 yd Muzzle Brake Rule Change


the Colorado club should request that the IBS hold the Winter Meeting out West (in Colorado?) this year. If it is really a US wide org and isn't trying to disenfanchise the non East coast shooters, I would think that they would be open to that considering how the agenda process is so tilted to one coast. The Eboard expenses are paid and just as easy for the shooters to go to Colorado as it is for the others to go to PA.

Bylaws do not stipulate that the meeting "must be in PA" so no requirement to hold it there. They just have to have the agenda published 90 days out (bylaws do not say where it must be published and no factual necessity to post only in PS by the bylaws or any other requirement). They can publish the agenda on the official IBS website and be perfectly within the bylaws. It is the official website and anyone can access it by even going to a public library, and then publish at anytime in PS.

Eboard expenses are paid ???

The Eboard expenses are paid.
This sure is news to me. It costs me about $80 each night for my room at the annual meeting plus travelling expenses and the only reimbursement I got from IBS for being Vice President for almost 4 years now is Postage. I guess I could get reimbursed for phone calls but it is way too much trouble to submit receipts for what is involved.

Dick Grosbier
Running a world class organization like IBS takes an immense amount of volunteer effort, at the national and local level. I have the up most respect for all of those that take the time and effort to support our sport. I'm not into revolution, I just want to shoot with nice people.

For most of us, the location of the National Championship is much more important than the annual meeting. Iowa and Minnesota are locations that make travel a little better for those of us in the West. The Colorado Rifle Club routinely hosted the NBRSA 1000 yard benchrest Championship before we moved over to host IBS matches this year. I would love to see us host an IBS Championship.
I'm all for the muzzle breaks on heavy guns,after all what difference does it make,you still have to shoot small and score high to win and breaks aren't going to majically do that,bring your gun that shoots the best and shoot it,let mother-nature determine who's best.As Joe Salt says "its barrels and bullets that win the matches"if you good ones then life is good!!
As far as the Nat's when they are out west the attendance is quite a bit lower than when they are on the east side of the US.Maye the IBS should hold the NAT's for the shooters and not be a money maker for the clubs, give more prizes and more shooters will come.
Just wanted to see who was paying attention!:D

Hey Jeff all you have to do is get the taxi back to the airport, not drive 5 hours in butt deep snow like we have done.
