1000 yd br rifle build/ self build/on a budget

bbl is in the lathe...thru the headstock,( spider on the outboard of the headstock)
dialed it into less than 0.0005, pre drilled, and with a long reach indicator, re zero'd......it was out about 0.0015 where the neck meets the throat.
do the tenon and such next, bore at an angle to match the reamer, and then ream.......

mike in co
bolt nose to breech RADIAL clearance....
bolt is 0.695 od, and the original breech is 0.703.
question: is this a place to tighten clearances...???
down to ??
( i guess this is a set of numbers i did not get. with the bbl in the lathe, kinda late to check the bolt for radial runout)
.008 is not bad really. You can't get to crazy going to minumum clearances on a factory action. How sloppy is the bolt in the receiver bore???? How accurately does the case head fit into the bolt face ???
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bolt is a big 0.695 and the reciever is a tight 0.703....both the same as the bolt nose/breech...
brass is 0.5295/0.530....bolt nose id is 0.543.......
looks like going tighter on the breech might be ok ???
mike in co
I think .005 is usually thought of as the minimum but you don't want the bolt touching the tenon. There is also the issue of the trigger pushing the back up the bolt up against the top of the rear rec ring bore. We did a big '3 rings of steel' thread in the past but I think it's lost in the 09 black hole.
ok threaded, chambered, and passed go/nogo test when properly torque'd in place..
think i am gonna wait on the muzzle brake installation till after the stock work...
think i may have to shorten bbl to make weight....dang that truck axle is heavy.
mike in co
ok...it took me three tries to get it all right, but the main metal work is done. i'll do the brake when it comes back from the stock work....inspite of what it says above.....i read a mic wrong and chambered too deep...was an easy fix...but chit happens....
does any one have a log sheet for 700 rem reciever ?
part of the error was my poor drawing/data log.
mike in co
I normally leave the torque shoulder a little 'short', say .010 or .020. I then ream the chamber until the bolt nose fit is correct in reference to the rear face of the tenon per the drawing. This would be just the chamber and bolt's relationship with the bolt out of the rec. I then trial fit the rec WITH the stripped bolt installed to check headspace and move the torque shoulder forward a bit at a time to creep up on the correct headspace remembering to allow for the crush when the full torque is applied. You want the torque shoulder to be super smooth so make sure you have your process well refined when you get to this stage.

For BR 'wildcat' cartridges having the headspace be a couple of thou too short or too long really doesn't mean a thing. There are no factory cartridges available and we adjust the sizing die to minimally size a fired case.

As for a 'log', didn't you take Mechanical Drawing in school ?? :)
you are one sick man.......
you bring back bad memories.......drawing boxes one summer...........no way to spend a summer vacation.
my school did not have shop or mech drawing, so one summer i signed up for both at another school. shop was fine, but drawing little boxes 5 days a week in summer was just a waste of summer.
yes i could do the reciever drawing, i was hoping someone already had one done....
mike in co