1000 yard caliber

Where are you shooting competition now?
If your 1000 miles you stated is one way you could go to Missoula, MT (980 some miles) Williamsport rules or Byers, CO (right at 1000 miles)NBRSA rules. Both governing bodies allow brakes on both heavy guns and light guns.

No....450 miles 1 way to Harris. 750 one way to Pella. 1300 one way to Ohio. Lookng at the course of fire at the NBRSA NAT.s makes me want to try it next year. Also, the World open looks like a blast. And the IBS Nationals was an AWSOME experiance!! It's just the friggen expenses, and the fact that I am SUPPOSED to have my kids every other weekend cuts my open weekends in half. Then there's the golf tournaments that I need to attend.

Now ....if someone can extend summer 3 more months........:D
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We shoot 3 LG targets, 3HG targets then the shootoff for each so you get more shooting in at Byers than at Pella, I don't know about Harris.

To further what James said..

5 shots for record on LG and 10 for record on HG. Minimum 45 shots. Plus sighters. As far as I know there has been very few reasons that they didn't shoot when scheduled. Last time they called it short was when the snow was so hard you couldn't see the targets. But they got 2 relays in.
Other than that they shoot on schedule. We'd love to have ya shoot.

There always seems to be an advantage to the guy who has his own range. Apples for Apples isn't really possible for a first timer having to go at it the hard way.
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