100-/200-yd. Grand Agg Record Stands ... 500/40X


Just got this email from Randy Jarvais ...

I just received a call from Kent Harshman and confirmed that the word "potential" can now be dropped from the 500-40x record shot at Caledonia Forest and Stream. Wow! Still blows my mind....or what's left of it!

Congratulations to one of the hardest-working shooters I know. Randy is a great guy and good to see him put up a new record.

Congratulations, Randy. That record should stand for a loooooog time.
Thank you gents. Let's hope so Jackie but I bet the same was said to Ludinski in 08 when he set it at 39x. With help from sites such as this, great equipment getting better all the time, and success of some cartridges such as the 30 dasher and 30 brx who knows where the limit will go. It will take two days of better than average shooting however. There are some awesome shooters, both established and novice playing this score game and someday the record will fall. Until then, I will enjoy the glow.
Congrats on some excellent shooting, Randy! I know how much you have put into this game and your record is well deserved.
Great job.