10/22 rifle barrels


chad stenger

how do the green mountain barrels hold up and are they a straight shooting barrel
you might want to go to rimfire central and ask. they have a entire section on the 10/22's. the green mountian barrels are good barrels and hold up well. please don't take this the wrong way but 10/22's get no respect on this board. they are far from bench rifle material. now you'll find plenty of stuff on rimfire central because guns just have to be pretty over there, not accurate. i myself have 2 green mountian barrels. one on a 10/22 and one on a m77/22. they shoot good and straight. bench guns? no way no how. just match chambered hunting rifles at best. good luck with yours.
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Rimfire central

is the place to go for 10/22. you dont want the snobs to come out and start bashing you. yes the GM is an excellent barrel. oh yeah 10/22's aint accurate either.


Chad, Rimfirecentral is a great website with awesome information. I also think you are fine in asking your question here because these guys know accuaracy. I think the 10/22's get no respect here because 10/22 owners make claims that their 10/22 can out shoot a Suhl, Turbo, Hall, or custom 40X. You made no claims like that, and just asked a simple question of a barrel. I haven't met any snobs on this site. As to your question, from everything I've heard of the GM barrels they are great, however I don't think they are the tops. If you look at the barrel brands on winning rifles, you will find Lilja and Shilen to be near the top. Both of those companies make 10/22 barrels
Interesting note

First: Gm barrels are fine on the 10/22, they have a big following.

Second: 10/22 shooters get a lot of flack here because you will notice all of them post pics of just part of a target, like a corner where a few lucky shots randomly converged into a small group. You never see the entire target. The second post above is a great example of that.

Here is what BR shooters with tuned boltguns post when they show how good their gun shoots - then entire target

is the place to go for 10/22. you dont want the snobs to come out and start bashing you. yes the GM is an excellent barrel. oh yeah 10/22's aint accurate either.



yep. you said it. they are not accurate. i have a total custom and can tell you they won't compete with real bench guns. they have a place with other auto-loaders, not with bolt guns.
how about this for accurate. there is a entire box in 3 groups.
and another entire box in three groups.
and now ammo it didn't like.
i test my test lots by shooting a 5 shot group. it must be under .250 from grease ring to grease ring. then a 20 shot group that must measure the same. the i shoot the remainder of the box in the last group that must measure the same. if one group is over i put it aside and start testing another. the 1061 fps shot great in the wind as well. i want to see a 10/22 do that. it aint going to happen. shooting groups for testing is fine. shooting for scope is were the fun begins. steve b great example!!
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And now how about the distance for those remarkable groups. I love the fact that any answer that is not liked comes under "snobbery".
my test lots are shot at 25 yards. then i take it outside at shoot 50 yds. i'll post some 50 yard 50/50 pratice targets when i get my new scope put on today. oh yeah this is my rifle i use. it is my lil east german baby.
the groups posted above are from test barrels that i build they are shot outside at 25 yds. they are 5 shot groups. here is a picture of the whole target.

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yep. my 10/22 does about the same. it has a green mountian barrel on it. that is why i don't try to use it in scored matches. my m77/22 shoots about even with the 10/22. it stays in the box with the 10/22. i really believe rugers have bad flaws in thier production methods. even the centerfires are nothing more than over priced hunting rifles. they all are n.r.a.(not really accurate) models, not just the new mini 14's they are making.
I think the point is, groups like those *might* indicate a gun that could be competitive in any of the benchrest disciplines discussed here, *if* they were groups that were shot at 50 yards just like the benchrest targets would be. But they're at 25 yards, and thus tell a whole different story. I'd like to see how those guns would do on a target such as Steve B. linked to, shot at 50 yards, of course. Then I think we'll see why the 10/22 "doesn't get any respect." It's not that you can't make a 10/22 "accurate" exactly, it's just that there are degrees of accuracy, depending on what kind of shooting you're talking about, etc, etc. I'm hoping to get out and try my CZ 453 Varmint on some targets such as those sometime this week, but I have no expectations to shoot anything like the score shown on the target Steve mentioned. It's plenty accurate for silhouette, which is what I bought it for. But I am pretty sure it won't come close to a score like that on that target, hehe.
steve b shoots at 25 yds. i shoot at 25 yds. yet it still is not good enough never mind the fact that he shot his indoors and i shoot outdoors. no i did not WASTE a whole box of ammo on three groups.
steve didn't shootin doors at 25. i did. and i'll put my suhl up against your 10/22 inside and out. when the rain stops i'll post a ir 50/50 practice target shot in the wind for you at 50 yards. the 10/22's are great stepping stone for benchrest. they get alot of people started. i'm glad people enjoy them, and they cause them to get hooked bench shooting. but they soon learn after sinking enough money into them to buy a good starter bolt gun that they will not keep up. and as far as waisting a entire box, nope. it will show you how many fliers are in a lot of ammo. when you aim at the same place with a match grade bolt gun and the groups grow its the ammo. now with a 10/22 it could be ammo, it could be that the pressure to work the bolt was off a lil,or all the moving parts didn't click the exact same way as it did the time before. they are fun to biuld, and you can get plenty of pretty stocks for them. but they are what they are. there is a reason they make so many after market parts for them. you will need them all to make it as accurate as they will be and they still fall short. the only after market parts for my suhl is a stock and a tuner. no triggers as i know of. they make barrels but a great smith has to do the work for that. anybody with a screw driver set can biuld a 10/22 and claim they are bench guns. it's funny how you never see them win any big matches. there are billions of them out there, but none make it very far in matches on local levels our national br matches. that says enough. then there is shooting those animal targets. you don't need a match rifle for that. you just have to hit the thing. i tried it one year and found it very boring and not a challenge.
Seriously? Shooting standing off-hand with no supports whatsoever isn't exactly easy. It's just you and your rifle, no slings, not shooting jackets or pants, nothin'. Just you standing there. Or are you not talking about NRA-sanctioned smallbore metallic silhouette matches? I'm fully aware that the rifles required for that game don't have anywhere near the same requirements as benchrest, though an Anschutz 1712 certainly wouldn't hurt. But it's probably one of the most difficult shooting sports there is, because of what you are and are not allowed to use, and how you have to shoot. I know we're not concerned with silhouette here, but I had to ask, as I fail to see how anyone could find it boring and not a challenge.
then there is shooting those animal targets. you don't need a match rifle for that. you just have to hit the thing. i tried it one year and found it very boring and not a challenge.
i appoligise to steve B. i got a little confused. had a tooth ache since wed of last week and they have me on pain meds since they cant see me till next week. i dont normally take medicine of any kind so they are really messing with me. i'll get a couple of ARA targets and shoot them for score in a week or three. keep in mind that i never said 10/22's were gonna win the world as far as bench rest goes. i shoot a bolt in ARA so i know better. BUT they can be made to shoot amazingly well. that is just fact.
my nieghbor just had 6 teeth removed. i understand the what you are going through. he had to schedule it almost 3 weeks in advance. then after wards he got a dry socket:(. that made it even worse. 10/22's can be made to shoot good. i'm really anal about just how accurate a rifle is. lord god knows i've sold a ocean full of them in my life because they wouldn't shoot to my exspectations. if i can't get a centerfire to shoot under 1/2 inch groups at 100 yards they leave here, with rimfires i was a lil more foregiving. 1/2 at 50 yards, but if it is a gun i want to use in matches it can't get over 1/4 at 50. those are center to center sizes. i'm trying to get all my rests up to par now. i have a fudd top ordered(he's 2 monthes behind). i'll be getting good wind flags this summer, and my weaver scope should be in today. i have a sky mate wind gauge ordered as well. i had very much planned to shoot in sanctioned matches this year, but gas prices are going to stop me. hopefully next year things will settle down. to the orginal poster the green mountian barrels are good striaght shooting barrels, but you have to take into acount the rifle you are putting it on.