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  1. D

    Belted case problems real or not , Cures?

    Depending on how picky you are let your smith have at least 20 pieces of brass. When he sets the headspace he should use the brass you have provided not a standard set of gauges for belted magnum brass. You will end up throwing out several pieces because they will not chamber. In the end you...
  2. D

    Good caliber for 600/1000yd BR

    Charles, I'll try to paste the link to the NBRSA records here. It is hard to find on the website. Daryl
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    Good caliber for 600/1000yd BR

    Bill Schrader has the NBRSA light gun single target record as well as Heavy Gun Score. Also he has an heavy gun agg record all shot with a 300 Win. Daryl
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    Colorado Rifle Club Money Shoot Resoults

    Jim thank you for your hard work all year. Thanks to everyone else who helped out last weekend. The match was very smooth except for the heat and breeze. Sure was fun to hang out with everyone for the weekend. Thanks to the vendors who donated to the prize table. Daryl
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    Colorado Rifle Club 1000 yd State Match June 12-13 at Colorado Rifle Club

    Zilla In August we have what we call is a buddy match. It is mainly for new shooters who want to get they're feet wet. I would be happy to have you as my "buddy" if you want to give it a try. Of course come shoot in July just to get a feel for the range. Daryl Kopriva DARA Rifles
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    Colorado Rifle Club 1000 yd State Match June 12-13 at Colorado Rifle Club

    Matt pass up on one Smith and buy some componets and come shoot with us. I promise you'll have fun even if you are soaked to the bone. Daryl
  7. D

    The's cured!!!!!!!!!!

    Lee Sounds to me like the front of the bolt lugs might be contacting the breech of the barrel. A little dye on the front of the lugs will tell the story. Daryl
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    600 and 1000 yard rules.

    NBRSA rules are not as simple as they seem. Daryl Kopriva
  9. D

    300 win mag...brass choice for 1k( reamer to match ?)

    Look for RWS If you can find some. I think I'll wear out a barrel with 60 pieces. Daryl
  10. D

    New 1K NBRSA Record

    Thanks Regan, Tim, and Richard. If it were not for fellows like you all who are willing to share knowledge and expertise to help others get a start this sport would probably cease. The targets as measured at the range were Light gun 3 target agg 5.782" Heavy 3 target agg 5.779" 2 Gun...
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    NBRSA Nationals

    Don Thanks for catching that fact. The program we had didn't have the Two Gun champion in it. Congratulations again Richard. Daryl
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    NBRSA Nationals

    Byers totals If my computer compiled the data correctly these are the group and score results from the Nationals. The spreadsheet has 2 sheets one with group totals and one with the score. Sorry it took so long to get this up. Daryl
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    NBRSA Nationals

    I've received the data. I'm in the field planting wheat but it try to get it sorted and posted asap. Daryl
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    NBRSA Nationals

    Congrats Richard Schatz I know you are on a plane home right now but some nice shooting to wrap up the two gun overall. Jim will get me the the results in a few days and I'll try to get them posted here so you all can see who did what damage. We had a great bunch of shooters and a decent...
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    NBRSA Nat's at Byers, questions.....

    Tim Looking forward to seeing you and and everyone else that can make it. Roger yes Tim is correct we have to pull targets which isn't that bad. The target frames are counter weighted to make running them up and down quite easy. Daryl
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    NBRSA Nat's at Byers, questions.....

    Jay I think most of your questions have been answered. I will only add that there will be a cookout Saturday after the shooting is finished. It is at no cost to the shooters. Other than that you will have to bring your own snacks, sandwiches, etc. During the match all sighters will be...
  17. D

    NBRSA 1000 yard Nationals

    Tim I'm not sure although we'll probably work something out. Hope to see you again this year. Steve it just won't be the same but I understand. I would like to go to Ohio but I'm using up my fuel allowance pretty fast. Don supposed to be a form on the CRC website but I cannot find it. Do you...
  18. D

    NBRSA 1000 yard Nationals

    I talked to Jim Brummerstedt and so far he does not have many entries. Since he getting food, hats, T-shirts etc organized he needs to start getting an idea of attendance. If you are going please contact him. Daryl Kopriva
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    Byers, CO, range location, motels?

    The Longhorn is where I usually stay. The rates are good and you can walk to a cafe. Daryl Kopriva
  20. D

    Iowa 1000yd Matches 1 & 2

    Thanks to the people for running a great match. I know the fish couldn't have been too happy about all the shooting in the flooded river bottom but I had a good time tormenting them. I look forward to another trip or two this summer. Daryl