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  1. K

    Slight Issue With Wear On Panda Bolt!

    DSM Just wondering did you buy the action new or used? looks to me like the bolt handle is in the wrong place? look at the flat at the end of the handle in relation to the flat on the bolt shroud, also in the 1st pic looks like some tig welding has been going on? KB
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    Interesting rifle build vid!

    Hi Chad Im good mate, yep im still here!, not for much longer though will be home for the new year for good, then I can get stuck into building my workshop, which reminds me, when are we going to see some pics of your new pad? I could do with some workshop porn to drool over....
  3. K

    Interesting rifle build vid!

    As the title says.. KB
  4. K

    Spiral fluting on a Bridgeport

    You need someting like this:- Poor quality vid, but you get the picture. KB
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    How about this lathe? :- Im not sure what the spindle bore size is, but the cross slide rapid withdraw looks like a nice feature to have. KB
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    Bolt Lug Cams

    Gary Linked is the AMT action I mentioned in my earlier reply, notice the cam on the bolt....,3746429.0.html KB
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    Bolt Lug Cams

    The only thing I can think of about the cams on the bolt, is obviously it reduces the bearing surface of the lug, there must be a reason for the custom action makers to go down the difficult route of putting them inside the receiver, there used to be an action, a rem clone, made by AMT I think...
  8. K

    Bolt Lug Cams

    Gary Hopefully attached is a sketch of what I had in mind, the mandril is splined to allow it to move up and down whilst being driven by the chuck, the spring collar keeps tension on the hardened dowel as it rotates around the jig face and ramps, idealy the ramps should be made with a helical...
  9. K

    Bolt Lug Cams

    Heres a thought, just to speed things up for now, do you have access to a spark eroder(ram edm)? on your current cam cutting tool, you could spark a slot on the opposite side and use 2 file tips to shave both cams at the same time?,,:rolleyes: KB
  10. K

    Bolt Lug Cams

    Its just dawned on me that you are the chap advertising the edm cut action blanks! when i am finished in iraq i intend on purchasing several of them off you for myown action builds, its been about 4 years since i last came up with the cam cutting idea and had it down on paper and could'nt see...
  11. K

    Bolt Lug Cams

    Thanks for the pics Gary Ive seen that tool somewhere before, probably on here no doubt, how are you controlling the helix of the cut? is it simply by hand and trial and error? do the cams come out as a true helix or as flats? Ive come up with a tool(in my head) that could cut the cams using a...
  12. K

    Bolt Lug Cams

    Hey Gary Do you have any pics of your action? I also wonder on how you cut the cams? do you have cnc or was it a manual method? Thanks KB
  13. K

    Rear Locking actions?

    I believe that a rear locking lug bolt will flex more than a conventional front locking lug bolt. KB
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    I know it isn't benchrest but it is the shape of some things to come

    Personaly I think its a pointless design, and around 5 years too late for the military, then again, thinking about it, I cant see the military being interested in a switch barrel rifle, whats the point of carrying an extra barrel/bolt head and ammo? it may get the 'tacticool' crowds juices going...
  15. K

    Which lathe between the two?

    Personally I wouldnt pick either, and would look for something more like this:- KB
  16. K

    Simple floating reamer pusher

    In relation to the way this thread had gone, ie manual V cnc, heres a clip ive found of a muzzle being crowned and threaded on what looks like a pistol barrel? clamped in a jig, in a 4 jaw............enjoy. KB
  17. K

    Simple floating reamer pusher

    I dont know if anybody has tried this, but how about, subtituting the pusher, just like in the picture from frwillia, to a ring magnet?, mounted in the tailstock.......that way you still have the simplicity of a pusher,but now the magnet can hold your reamer handle for you, while you concentrate...
  18. K

    Gunmithing PORN

    I stumbled on this link on another forum, im sure anyone interested in gunsmithing will love the pics! looks like they make their own barrels, also their single shot action looks like a good contender for BR? I wonder if anyone has tried it? some realy good pics on their website, and even more...
  19. K

    Chamber run out issue

    Im sure what i commented in my last post came from this book:- Maybe somebody has it and can correct me if im wrong. KB
  20. K

    Chamber run out issue

    Jerry, I can see your point. I can remember reading a book, im sure it was in the re-print, 'how rifle barrels are made' where early barrel makers found that when using a tip similar to a 'D' bit, actualy more like an off centre 'V' bit, and both the raw material and drill rotated, they ended up...