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  1. J

    Anybody live near Sanford, Florida....

    near Sanford Wilbur, for what it is worth, I am about 30-40 minutes away from Sanford, in Winter Garden. I just had minor surgery on my arm, so it will be mid week before I can do anything. Let me know.
  2. J

    240 year old cam technology

    I'm impressed This man had a tremendous imagination, and a lot of time and patience. Phenomenal!
  3. J

    Thoughts on Benchrest Competition

    Flame me The more money it costs to compete, the fewer people can afford to compete. With few or no sponsors to offset the cost of competition, rising costs to compete, we will have near zero growth, a sport dying of attrition. A few suggestions to possibly help; 1) A “claiming price” for any...
  4. J

    Thoughts on Benchrest Competition

    Ubr? UBR seems to be a step in the right direction, not perfect, but an attempt to do away with needing a particular cartridge to be competitive, or at least not at a disadvantage regard bullet diameter. You can pull out a 6PPC and not be at a disadvantage while shooting score. As of yet, I...
  5. J

    Benchrest in Florida

    Benchrest Manatee has 600 and 1000 yard (possibly 300 yard also) I believe, not too far from you, about an hour. I recently heard of Manatee possibly doing some IBS matches, although I may be wrong on that. Titusville Gun Club has a monthly club shoot 100 and...
  6. J

    Benchrest in Florida

    Florida Benchrest Which part of Florida are you in. Short range BR is in short supply in most of the state. Jim
  7. J


    May the Lord be with you and guide the surgeon. Jim
  8. J

    Looking for a Ghost From The Past

    I just passed info onto Thomas Rollins, in the past from Johnson City, left around 2000. If he is the same gentleman, he should contact you on this site. Best of luck, Jim Casey
  9. J

    Looking for a Ghost From The Past

    Could the gentleman you are seeking possibly be Tom Rollins?