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  1. G

    Results for WWCCA VFS Match 12.3.23.

    It was a good day, of course all shooting days are good. So foggy at first you could't see the 10 ring, slowly it cleared up, then rain. It all ways rains when I shoot. I lucked out and stayed clean with a few X's. My old barrel with 1800+ rounds thru it, still wants to shoot some. Shot 29.2 of...
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    Butch Lipscomb wins WWCCA VFS. Results for WWCCA VFS Match Feb. 19, 2023.

    It was forsure tuff, between the gust and switching. I enjoyed shooting with you guys .
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    Bill Gammon Passes Away

    Rest in Peace Bill RIP!
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    Bill Brawand has left the range.

    Rest in peace Bill! Thanks for your support to Benchrest. You will be missed!
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    Chuck Green has left the range.

    Rest in rest Chuck! No more pain. No bad guys where your going! We'll miss one more of the good guys!
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    Stolen BAT LV 6PPC Rifles... Help Request

    Sorry Sorry Jack for your lost. We all know how hard it is to replace "The Gun". You are still a great shooter and will back on top soon. Good luck with all! Butch
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    Eastern Region Schedule for 2021

    Good start Pat! Hope this s*%# is over buy then. See ya soon!
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    We lost Gene Buckys Today!

    Wow! Lost a another good guy! RIP my Friend. Best wishes for the family.
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    2020 NBRSA Nats Day 6-Eddie Harris wins HV200,2 gun,3 gun,4 gun, Lowell Frei HV Grand

    Congrads to all the shooters that shot this years Nationals. I understand the conditions were tuff at times. Great shooting! I'm hoping next year is more back to normal with more shoots. Be safe. Don't forget to vote. See ya next year. Butch L.
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    VihtaVuori/Lapua Rifle Tuning Seminar at the NBRSA Group Nationals!

    No, not that old class. Jacks new and improved class! Right Wayne!
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    WWCCA VFS Match Aug 15, 2020. Results. Chuck Green wins, again.

    Dang mirage! Should've waited. You know, Should've, would've, could've.
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    Schedule change for Eastern Region

    No Shoots Bummer, no shoots in Michigan at all this year!
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    WWCCA VFS Match July 18, 2020.

    It was great to get out and shoot again. Chuck was hot!
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    Please consider support for fellow shooter

    Come on guys, Bob and Nancy have given alot to this sport. Bob a member of team USA . I know they are proud people, so lets all give a little and make this part of their pain a little easier. Bob and Nancy I pray for you. We need you guys healthy and back in our sport. Butch
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    Prayers Neeced ASAP! Bob Scarbrough, Jr.

    Prayers for you and Nancy! Show them what you got with quick comeback. Butch from Monroe
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    Benchrest Shooting Documentary

    I hope he does well with this project. Our sport needs a boast.
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    USA World Championship

    Nice pictures from web!
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    USA World Championship

    Let's wish the teams best of luck. GO USA!!!
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    St. Louis Benchrest Rifle Club Summer Sizzler Group Match 13-14 July

    Harry, I know this thread is about your next match, but I just wanted to thank you and all the crews for the great East-West Match. It was my first time being there and it was just as great a place as everyone across the country said it was. You people have a lovely place and should be very...
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    Super shoot

    Great shooting Joel, and the rest of the top people. I was there for the sixth time and it still amazes me how in those conditions the top guys continue to consistently shoot small groups. Amazing!