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  1. T

    What I've been up to lately.....

    I'm a former drag racer so I appreciate your photos. I completely enjoyed my time drag racing and got to hang out with some great folks. Fierce competitors on the track but they would give you the shirt off their back if you were in need. Much like the BR shooters I hang out with.
  2. T

    Locating Larson scope ring reducing bushings

    The phone number above does not match the one on Tony's web site. Here's the link.
  3. T

    Brock's Gap 4 Gun results!

    In addition to winning the 4 Gun Grand Agg Bart also won Heavy Varmint, Light Varmint, Sporter and finished 2nd in Unlimited to his shooting partner Col Billy Stevens (who had a smoking .1490 agg in Unlimited). And to top it off he had all 4 small groups! Definitely a dominating performance...
  4. T

    Open 'er up

    I agree with Obama and vicvanb And therein lies the problem. The US can't pay its debts unless it borrows money to do so. Now just think about that from an individual level. How long do you think a lending institution will let someone borrow money to pay off other borrowed money? And what...
  5. T

    Open 'er up

    HCP, don't confuse Vicvanb with facts. We all know he gets his information from the fear mongering liberal media and left leaning democrat blogs. He's a democrat, always has been, always will be. Regardless of the path his party takes him down. Let's take a quick look at what his president...
  6. T

    Debt reduction?

    If its such a great thing why doesn't obama and his ilk join up?
  7. T

    Debt reduction?

    The Tea Party Republicans are doing just what their constituents put them in office to do. Find any way possible to stop ObamaCare and reduce spending. Not sure that you have noticed through your blinders but a lot more folks in this country disapprove of ObamaCare than approve of it. Of the...
  8. T

    Debt reduction?

    Is that all you got? I bet you bump into a lot of things with those blinders on.
  9. T

    Debt reduction?

    The truth hurts doesn't? The democrats are just as much to blame for the war in Iraq and you just can't swallow that bitter pill. I bet if we could go back in time you supported the war (because 65% of Americans fully supported it at the time), but like a good democrat you would never admit...
  10. T

    Debt reduction?

    Glad you brought that up. The War in Iraq would have never happened without the 'YEA' votes of these fine folks. The democrats had control of the senate at that time and could have stopped any war in Iraq. But you conveniently forget that point. Bayh (D-IN) Biden (D-DE) Breaux (D-LA)...
  11. T

    Debt reduction?

    Nope not the kind that ignores data, but it appears your data is incomplete.
  12. T

    Grandson starting his first college game

    It appears WVU has the kicking duties locked up for the next few years. Good luck to your grandson this season!
  13. T

    New Toy

    Sweet rig but we need some particulars. Action, stock, barrel, tuner, etc.
  14. T

    How often do you anneal your brass

    Not sure anyone is right or wrong nor do I think that if you don't anneal that you have a problem. What I do think is there are different perspectives. I shoot both short range group, short range score and long range group/score at my local club and have participated in a few sanctioned...
  15. T

    Thank You Butch Lambert!!!

    Butch has helped me out in the past and not only did he not make a dime off me it actually cost him both time and money to lend a helping hand. And he doesn't know me from Adam's house cat. He's a class act and a fine role model for our sport!
  16. T

    Could there possibly BE a worse response???

    Bill, your posts may (or may not) have some merit if the 2nd Amendment was there just for hunters and sport shooters, but its not. It's also there to give us an opportunity to protect ourselves from an over zealous government (please research what the framers of the 2nd Amendment wrote about...
  17. T

    I counted my guns today...

    Here's a little video for you vicvanb. BHO's comments probably don't worry you any but they keep me up at night.
  18. T

    Front Rest Top

    I have 2 of Butch's toggle tops and I use them in both point blank and 600 yd competition. I couldn't be happier with them and highly recommend them to you.
  19. T

    Harrell's Resizing Die of Redding Body Die?

    I recommend (and use) the Harrell's resizing die. I also recommend you sell the Wilson neck die and the Redding FL die to offset most of the cost of the Harrell's. Why go thru multiple steps when you can do it in one. Bump the shoulder back a thou or thou and a half, full length and neck size...
  20. T

    Over 1000 rounds on a PPC barrel? 2000? 3000?

    I haven't been participating in short range group shooting very long but from the get go I've heard that a PPC barrel was not worthy of match duty after 1000 rounds and in most case less than that. So I was surprised to read on the "How do you shoot a teen agg?" thread about a shooter who had a...