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    Assualt rifles ban???

    I have notified the Colorado chapter of the ASPCA that your owner is violating leash and muzzle laws.
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    we need a humor forum.....until then

    you guys need to start laying off the sterno...
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    Assualt rifles ban???

    To hard to enforce -- costs too much money. CA is nearly bankrupt. Most efficient way is to simply prevent importation of restricted parts into the state as is currently done with 'off list' guns.
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    Assualt rifles ban???

    it is never to early to panic. If you recall the 2008 election, primers became incredibly scarce for nearly 10 months. AR parts are starting to disappear, and .223 ammo should be purchased ASAP if you are not reloading. Even if you are reloading, there is a shortage of 55 grain bullets already...
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    Assualt rifles ban???

    the plastic lowers are showing a high degree of unreliability -- especially with trigger timing issues. I would avoid them like the plague.
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    Assualt rifles ban???

    The lower (stripped or otherwise) is the controlled part, and is considered to be a gun. Since no federal license is required to assemble one (unless you are intent on selling it), then the lower will be grandfathered as a complete gun. there is no way to discern between the two. I have spent...
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    Hornady Zombie Bullets

    How about a little respect for the undead? Reading some of these posts, it is apparent that one or two of this forum's members aren't too far away from joining their ranks.
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    Definitely not gun related, but since we are all here on a computer....

    if you stay away from gun porn sites, you should be OK. I'd also watch out for the "Talk to a live Male Elk ChatRooms".
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    Yesterdays experience dialing in a barrel

    Only photo i could find.
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    Yesterdays experience dialing in a barrel

    The maximum taper i can handle is a #5 I believe. I reamed the headstock out 0.100 to accomodate the larger taper barrel. I do use a steady rest. I have plenty of room to chamber. I have some photos around somewhere. I will post them when I find them.
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    Yesterdays experience dialing in a barrel

    i should have clarified. i am not a competition BR shooter. this is what some might call a 'tactical' rifle. I have already shot a single 5 shot 0.187 with it. I realize that one good group does not make a rifle. my next rifle will be a 6 BR. I will endeavor to get below 0.001 for that one. i'm...
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    Yesterdays experience dialing in a barrel

    I know people aren't going to like to hear this, and i am not saying this to puff myself up or give the impression that being meticuluous does not have its merits. i'm just stating facts here. I use a 7 X 14 inexpensive Chinese lathe to do my barrel work. I have done 4 barrels so far, my latest...
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    we need a humor forum.....until then

    "I drank what?" -- Socrates
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    can't see the blue

    ok. i listened to the advice offered. i made a shell holder for my hand drill. I purchased some 700 degree Tempilaq. i installed a metronome app on my iPhone and timed a case with the Tempilaq. It worked out to 7 seconds. i annealed around 40 cases. next question: Is there any way to...
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    we need a humor forum.....until then

    The new Army recruits are at chow after a hard morning of training. They quickly down their bowls of chili when one private notices that his sergeant hasn't touched his. "Sarge, you gonna eat that? The sergeant pushes his bowl to the private and smiles. About halfway through the meal the recruit...
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    can't see the blue

    Thanks for pointing me to the article. it was quite helpful.
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    can't see the blue

    I'm trying to learn to anneal my cases but for the life of me I can't see the darn things turn blue (i sure can see them turn red -- I am not color blind). I have tried in close to dark conditions, but that does not seem to help. I have tried simply timing some cases and then examining them...
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    How to shoot a 416 Rigby

    and he will have to be fast if he gets me riled up...
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    How to shoot a 416 Rigby

    That's an immature bull -- barely 34 inches wide horn to horn. you don't need anything more than harsh language to dispatch him.
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    American Guns (hopefully not)

    Duck Dynasty is the best show on TV