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  1. seblambang

    My new stock, your thought?

    That must be a great time Ian. It's a centerfire match like the last time, correct? Just in case I can ...(because I might probably come to the UK/Diggle for an F-class match next year also).... and we could bring my rifle & equipments to NZ (I'll talk with Stuart about this matter), please...
  2. seblambang

    My new stock, your thought?

    Hi mate, great to meet you again last week! Thanks again for helping me to sight in the scope for the fly! Yep you're right the 7mm bullet holes were easier to see, also that Stuart loaned me the March. (personally I think my bullet/chambering choice for the fly was correct, recoil etc is also...
  3. seblambang

    My new stock, your thought?

    Cris, there's an article about the "MAX" rest in I can't locate it at this moment. Basically it's a one "do it all" rest if you shoot both point blank & long range. Can accept rifle weight up to 60 lbs or more if you wish. I plan to make a first batch of 50, next year...
  4. seblambang

    My new stock, your thought?

    More pics, rifle in LV mode. I got the pics from Stuart Elliot (BRT) this morning. seb.
  5. seblambang

    USPS international deliveries to Australia

    I bought a lot of stuffs from the USA and they were shipped by USPS (usually by PMI), with no problem at all. It's cheap & has tracking number. Only lost one parcel out of 75 times or more (I think it was just a bad luck). Delivery time usually ranging from about 1 week to 3 weeks. Good luck...
  6. seblambang

    My new stock, your thought?

    Some pics... (Sorry I just have it in the Light Gun mode. I forgot to take pics of the rifle in the LV & HV mode). The rifle weighs approx. 7.12 kgs (15.66 lbs total) including the front & rear attachment. The .284win recoil wasn't bad at all in this gun, it's more a "push" rather...
  7. seblambang

    My new stock, your thought?

    Back home this evening! Well, the stock/rifle combination works!:cool: It tracked quite nice & I'm happy with the result. I placed in Top 10 for the 2-guns at Harry Madden c/ship in Brisbane, just several days ago. I just glued the action two days before the match & tried some loads the day...
  8. seblambang

    bausch and lomb 36x

    I just bought a used B&L 36X from a gentlemen in this forum & used it last Saturday-Monday for the Harry Madden C/ship in Brisbane. It's more clearer than my Sightron & hold the p.o.i. just fine. seb.
  9. seblambang

    20 or 15 MOA rings?

    Thanks for the link, Stonewall. It's a good read, anyway it's not my skill to make a fine crosshair.... I got another scope (a B&L 36) several days ago. ............... Can't wait to try/shoot my new 6PPC/.284win!!! Will be leaving for the "Harry Madden C/ship" in Brisbane tomorrow....will...
  10. seblambang

    Las Vegas VFS Results

    Congrats Mr. Murdica! seb.
  11. seblambang

    Shipping Abroad

    Mr. Kielly, you have a PM. seb.
  12. seblambang

    New Carbon Fiber Stock for BR

    Very nice job & look, indeed! How long is it, btw? Please show us more pics on the buttstock & fore end tip. seb.
  13. seblambang

    20 or 15 MOA rings?

    It's only for my own use DSM. I have already very-very busy with my businesses. Thanks you for asking, seb.
  14. seblambang

    20 or 15 MOA rings?

    Well, I have managed to make the rings today. It's done, only need to be polished. (see pics bellow...hope the pics are clear enough) -Base angled approx. 14 moa (one piece base), total weight approx. 3.1 oz only (88 grams)...I'm happy it's much lighter than expected before! -I also make a dummy...
  15. seblambang

    Front BR rest

    :confused: When I started to make my own rest I have never asked drawings or specific detail from someone's else but for inputs only. I once asked drawings to Kelbly about their Stolle Panda (great people) but that was for making my own stock (i.e. the inletting) only, not to make the same...
  16. seblambang

    Another benchrest legend passess

    Truly a sad news! Doc Lou once explained about the PPC during a lunch time several years ago...I still keep the photocopy from him. Time keeps flowin' like a river, from time to time we've been missing great people....Oh Lord. My deep condolences & prayers, may God bless Him, seb.
  17. seblambang

    Action wieght for LV

    Please take my apology me if I made mistake with my post/suggestion. Sincerely, seb.
  18. seblambang

    Action wieght for LV

    Go with Stolle Panda Short, or Viper, you wouldn't be wrong/sorry with them. They're light but stiff/rigid, have larger bedding/glue in area, and integral davidson base. I still can make LV weight with Stolle Panda using a homemade 30.25 oz stock (which is heavier than normal), 21.5" LV barrel @...
  19. seblambang

    20 or 15 MOA rings?

    Personally I think lapping/bedding scope rings wouldn't improve anything but only to grip better & to not marr the scope's tube. As long as the base & rings are perfect/properly built, anyway. We are talking about BR receivers with close tolerances here. But who am I? I'm just a newbie in BR...