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  1. Fuj

    Scope Parallax

    I'll set my scopes parallax adjustment to the "infinity" setting first, then looking at a bright cloudless sky, I focus the reticle.
  2. Fuj


    PM him on Accurate Shooter. He's currently in with Alnyhus (SP) on a bullet making and press conversion thread. It's a long one.....
  3. Fuj

    Rodzilla T Rex rest

    I just cut the tension plate. The top itself needs cut to coincide for the same clearance.
  4. Fuj

    Rodzilla T Rex rest

    I need to set up the mill for the bullet press project, but took a couple of minutes to go ahead and do a clearance slot on the right side tension plate. Now with everything centered, I have 6.625" between plates. I could gain about another 1/4" by facing off the inside of the left plate...
  5. Fuj

    Bullet Making

    Castor is not talked about a lot if any but, I had several high speed punch press dies our shop had built for the older Ma' Bell switchers. Material was a thin strip copper alloy not unlike bullet jacket. Lube to keep everything together was 100 percent castor. May be worth picking up some Klotz...
  6. Fuj

    Rodzilla T Rex rest

    New L-bags for the Seb - X rests look inviting. Down the road, may have to contact Biisop or Ratigan about these. Lot's of squirrels running around in the head......
  7. Fuj

    Rodzilla T Rex rest

    We are pretty much on the same page. Cutting the top in half crossed my mind since It's only used for experimentation. My thoughts at this point are to mill a slot in the right tension plate so that it can slide into the square riser post. That adds more side to side space. I'd then reposition...
  8. Fuj

    Rodzilla T Rex rest

    I need to take a few more measurements, but I may have a viable plan. The first measurements does show an off set problem. This could cause a weight shift problem but also could be corrected with the springs under the bridge. Maybe a heavier spring to the offset side for...
  9. Fuj

    Rodzilla T Rex rest

    I jotted down a couple of ideas some time back but got lost in the shuffle. I do know my plan was to get a hold of Protecktor and have them do a custom bag for me, then build around that. I still have all the original top parts that look about the same as you are currently using. I need to...
  10. Fuj

    Rodzilla T Rex rest

    It's an anti brain fart device.....My guns run at 22 lbs. and have a real good balance set up on the counter weight springs. I just swap rifles and go. Early on when I first started using the rest, I noticed the bridge was drifting down, then it got to the point that I ran out of joy stick to...
  11. Fuj

    Rodzilla T Rex rest

    It never ends Dave !! I've been using mine for a couple of years now. Made my own non skid 3" feet, and my own top to run 4" wide stocks. Top is actually very similar to an original Bald Eagle, and I already had quite a few bags I like. Gone is the forward stops. all my custom chassis have the...