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  1. K

    Excessive bullet jump

    Make them long and spool feed her :)
  2. K

    Hats off to McMillan

    Link to McMillan's Unconditional Lifetime Warranty... Thank god they stand behind there product, even for dumb asses like me. While at the CFRC, I talked Glen T. into a cart race, were you just let 'er roll down the berm, unmanned. Mine was...
  3. K

    Neck thickness with Lapua brass?

    .313 -.004 = .309 - .284 = .025 / 2 = 12 1/2 thou per side working the other way, .0125 * 2 + .284 + .004 = .313
  4. K


    In cold weather, if you jump the bullets (i.e., you are not into the lands), once you ignite the primer, the bullet moves forward to the lands and stops again, until the pressure is high enough again to push the bullet down the barrel. This push to the lands increases the internal useable volume...
  5. K

    100 yd elevation for 500 yard zero??

    Part of this could be that the bullet is really the 52g HP with it's big opening and .168 BC, but you would have to slow it down to 2935 or so and be at sea level to have these comeups :) Trajectory for Speer .224 dia. 52 gr. HP at 2935 Feet per Second At an Elevation Angle of: 0 degrees...
  6. K

    100 yd elevation for 500 yard zero??

    Trajectory for Speer .224 dia. 52 gr. Match BTHP at 3830 Feet per Second At an Elevation Angle of: 0 degrees Ballistic Coefficients of: 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 Velocity Boundaries (Feet per Second) of: 1800 1800 1800 1800 Wind Direction is: 3.0 o'clock and a Wind Velocity of: 10.0...
  7. K

    Forend Width Larrry B.

    Not Larry but... it is under... F2. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION of RIFLES and AMMUNITION F2.4. If a rifle is used with a separate front rest/bag, the fore-end width may not exceed 76mm.
  8. K

    On Foam Barrel Cleaners:

    I have been using Wipe-out with the accelerator for about 2 years also, no bore scope, but I know someone that does and he uses the same products. Shooting the long range game is so different than short range, round count and cleaning wise. In BR I would clean right after shooting the target...
  9. K

    "Light's up, Sights up".... diffraction?

    Did a search on it myself and found... "That happens when the light intensity goes from low to high and the shooter's eye iris gets smaller. When that happens, the aiming bull appears larger and the front sight post will still appear the same size, but when touching the bottom of the...
  10. K

    Target face where are shots legal

    For group shooting, it is the box itself around the upper target, any shot outside the box is a MISS, if you cut the line I would think you are still in the measuring area. (Actually it is an imaginary line between the the actual target and the sighters, last I remember, but that may have...
  11. K

    Case Capacity and avg powder loads

    I modified your original post with the data you are after.... The only reason you would have a looser 6BR would be for no turn necks IMO. I have shoot all of these cartridges in custom actions with tight necked chambers. The 6PPCs were .261" to .262" and the 6BRs were also .262" to .265" I have...
  12. K

    bullet velocity and rpms

    Stan, 3050 is just fine, that is were I shoot mine too. The extra 100-150 fps you may get out of it will only buy you, what, maybe an 1" less wind drift at 1000 over the slower round, but it will also cost you more in case, barrel life and powder. If she likes it at 3050, shoot her there, just...
  13. K

    bullet velocity and rpms

    You did not give enough info for anyone to make a good reply, but I will try. 105 in 6mm would be best with a 8 twist with velocities from 2900-3200 fps so that would equality to 261000 rpm to 288000 rpm. You want the bullet to still be a few 100 fps above sonic as she passes the 1000 so the...
  14. K

    135 Grain 308 Diameter Bullets

    135g FB bullets (BIB, Chism, T&T and a few more) have been around in HBR for years, in fact, they are out of the norm or desire now, with 117g bullets used in the 1:17 twist barrels. The 135g was great in the days of 1:15 twist barrels, I still have a few thousand 125g and 135g FB for my 1:15...
  15. K

    Trying to learn to read wind/conditions

    At long range, you can also read the bullet trace(the swirling vapor trail) and mirage. The trace may tell you which of the 3 or 4 flags you should be paying more attention to. On a really windy day trace is so cool to watch. You see the bullet heading way off target, then in the last few...
  16. K

    Anywhere to shoot F-Class in Colorado?

    Matt As 2 others have said, based on your location, CRC, due east of Denver, not very far, north of Byers, entrance off E 96th Ave (via Google) As others have also said, T/R (peep sighter heavy jacketed gloved slingers) and F Class (Scoped & Supported) need each other in matches to make the...
  17. K

    Keeping mandrels cool

    1 drop of SC FP-10 for a lube on the mandrel, you will be amazed.
  18. K


    85g of IMR7828 with any 250g bullet works really good in a 338 sdm
  19. K

    Making Weight

    All this talk about stiffness and barrels got me going, as it probably did for lots of others. Hit Dan's site and looked at weights and contours and all that stuff. Man do I feel EXTRA FAT ;) All of these barrels came off one Rem700 action and all shot or is shooting very well * new 6mm F Class...
  20. K

    Gasoline prices.....

    Buy yourself a diesel and burn french fry cooking oil from McDonalds in it, only problem is all the fat girls chase ya every where you drive :eek: