Search results

  1. L

    Lighter fluid substitute

    Same as white gas or as we used to call it coal oil. As far as I know white gas was never coal. Coal oil was most likely diesel fuel. White gas is the stuff we now all use in our motor vehicles-'lead free gas/no lead gas'. I recall once running out of gas, when in high school-late 50s. The...
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    Bernoulli Effect

    Frey #4 post- Not Jim Frey once in Toledo by chance?? I see-frey is just shortened Jeffrey, most likely. Since your bullets dont behave in the 'normal' manner perhaps your barrel has a Left twist??
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    Doug-I noticed your location on the post about Suhls. I have a Suhl 150. On the bottom of the barrel about 3-4" from the muzzle it says on line one-- C.M.O. Line two-- Sav. Ga. Very small imprinted letters. Does/did McWhorter live in Savanagh. Probably not but CMO whoever he was most likely...
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    Hi Gloss to oil-type finish with steel wool?

    Nice wood and nice finish. Some may think that because there is that large reflection in the center of the stock that the finish is shinny. Not so..
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    22 Hornet scope?

    My Unertl looks great on my Kimber 82G. I just have to remember to shoot it more often. The scope is under the bed. The guns in a closet. I have to remember to set the scope out or perhaps I should move it into the closet. Mine has lock ring and was rebuilt by Parsons about 3 yrs ago. I have...
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    Hi Gloss to oil-type finish with steel wool?

    I finish with Tru-oil. I dont like the shinny finish. I rub w/ steel wool and get a nice matte finish, prett hard. After a while, a rerub w/ wool restores the nice finish.
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    Cleaning rods for .22 rimfire

    "The rods are shipped in a strong tube and are wrapped in news print and Denny puts a piece of homemade soap in the package to clean your hands after unwrapping." quoted from above^^^ " Soap to wash with---W O W!!!!
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    Cleaning rods for .22 rimfire

    Has anyone pointed this problem out to the folks at Dewey?? What was their logic for such a 'large' handle??
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    Vanderbilt University and football

    Really nice Skeet, Trap and Sporting Clays range not too far away and the Gallatin range where Mike shoots isn't too far away, eithe I was wondering why you didntask about rifle ranges. Someone else noted that some shooting facility is nearby. I found Joe Hallers range cause our daughter...
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    For those who buy everything in stainless steel...

    NOT MADE IN CHINA--Buy 3 or 4!!
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    Mole Repellent

    To kill the grubs the best thing ever available was discontinued by our wonderful vovt. Dursban-if you can find some-it kills the grubs.
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    Does speed matter?

    Next time you trial the IR50/50, also give each shooter a USBR for comparison. Would make a nice comparison-same weather, most likely-same shooters and same equipment/ammo. Wonder how the scores would compare?
  13. L

    Accurize a balance beam scale?

    Next, reinstall the platform to the hangar, and place it on the scale arm. Using a small circular bubble level, make sure that the platform sits level. You will have to tweak the arm a little to achieve this. Make sure that the center of the platform is directly below the attachment wire on the...
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    Does speed matter?

    If your group is tired of shooting those animals why not try the USBR target-25 and 50 yards?? Contact Joe Haller for advice as to the best way to implement.
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    Where online can i sell my benchrest stuff?

    If you live near or can get to a local range take the stuff there and let it be known it is for sale. Some of it will not go back home with you. One of the best ways for a 'newer' shooter to get a good start is to find someone like you and buy some good equip. I was lucky and found a rifle...
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    Polishing McMillan stock

    Wife and I were in Phoenix in April. One afternoon I decided we'd visit McMillan. Pulled up to the plant, parked and caught a gentleman, Dick, if I recall correctly, just finishing a smoke and the newspaper on the picnic bench. I get lucky often. Dick is the general manager. I told him I wanted...
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    Accurize a balance beam scale?

    If you want better accuracy?? the following will help: 1. Clean up the contact areas as noted in the first several posts, 2. Build a rack/shelf/something to get the scale at eye level so the user can see the index marking and the end of the beam-looking straight on, may want to...
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    Bore cleaning?

    I have been using Gunzilla since a fellow shooter/FFL gave me a bottle. Im getting near the bottom and need to decide to go back to the other stuff or more Gunzilla.
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    NRA Supports China

    Last thing I read about Waynes is that he makes $700,000/year and he dont even pay union dues!! I pointed out a couple things to the gun club pres about the NRA. It is getting harder and harder to keep sending them money-club requirement or not!!
  20. L

    warm up shots required to shoot center

    I do this also. Just shoot 4 or 5 downrange-not even on the sighters-weather I cleaned it since last range session or not. After lunch or significant break-repeat. I use cheap ammo(to warm up/clean out) and match w/ EPS, till I run out then ???