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  1. L

    How may I obtain the best .270 Wnchester brass?

    If iot is too hot just spill some on yourself and sue for new loading equip.
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    VFS Match at the Iosco Sportsmens Club, NE Michigan

    I still shoot at Sault Sainte Marie, CCSA. Not the same without Joe, to be sure. First shoot is 2nd Saturday.. We have about 12-14 diehards. Wed probably be shut down if it wasnt for half dozen from N of the border. I have been to Mt Pleasant once each of the last two shooting seasons. I was...
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    Benchrest handicap

    Jerry said 1/2 of it: No shooters, no ranges. the other half no ranges, no shooters.
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    Benchrest handicap

    The problem is that benchrest shooting has a very limited, long-term appeal to most shooters. There's not enough action, it's pretty time consuming, and it doesn't make good water-fountain talk at work. Many of us have seen plenty of shooters jump in with both feet (i.e., they buy custom guns...
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    VFS Match at the Iosco Sportsmens Club, NE Michigan

    VFS is that something one would shoot w/ a 22 BR gun? What target is used?
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    Benchrest handicap

    I read the first 30 posts. I shoot 22 BR and it is deader than what you describe. At The Chippewa County, Sault Sainte Marie, MI range we shoot the USBR target (green monster). That target was designed to be shot at 50 yards. We shoot at 25 and 50 yards. The now decesaed rifle shooter organizer...
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    Powder shortage

    seen inventory as high as $250.00 for an 8 pounder and then I pass.(from post #4) Over $30/pound--yuk yuk Ill lok next time I go to the gunshop.
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    Northwest Ohio benchrest shooters match schedule 2017

    Thanks to you, 82.... will you be shooting??
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    Northwest Ohio benchrest shooters match schedule 2017

    And the matches are held at ???
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    Six or eight years ago I contacted Hawkeye and asked if a co rep couldnt come to a match and demo the product. They just might sell a few.. picture is worth lots of words. No, the range was way too far (Sault Sainte Marie) from Detroit to do that. If you have a big shoot scheduled invite them...
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    22 cleaning

    Some shooters say "never pull a brush/jag back into the barrel thru the muzzle." The seem to think it hurts the crown?? Others will use a brass brush ONCE and then pitch it..
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    Jim Finn

    Jim and Joe Haller left for the 'big range' about the same time, just over three years ago. I know our shoots are no where near the same without Joe being around, coaching and encouraging.
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    Electronic .22 from the '80s

    We have a 22 BR shooter whos rifle has some kind of electronic trigger. Ive never fired it. Next season Ill make it a point to shoot it, just for 'experience'.
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    Barrel Slugging Lead

    Im interested also, but dont need 5# or 25 pounds of buckshot. I guess Ill pull halfdozen 22 slugs and figure the best way to push em down the bore. Im sure the 22 slugs are pushed 'dry' down a dry bore. I have a small dowel and think that will be a pusher.
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    Kimber 82G trigger modification.....

    For everybodys benefit do not send anything to Nemo at this time.
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    we need a humor forum.....until then

    Sounds good but she knows exactly of what she is doing and follows the plan to the letter. Couple steps backward now and then, but generally-forward-charge. AND come November she will be given 65%(or more) approval to continue for another two years.
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    cleaning rod-bore guide

    Good advice on these sites but often conflicting.. Get a Dewey coated rod--long enough that the handle dont need to be jambed right to the 'bolt opening' to get thru the bore-probably want a 44", as I recall. Problem w/ LONG rods is whiippiness but that is why you have the bore guide among...
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    Buying Nosler 2nds be for warned

    Ive been to the Nosler showroom and they do have seconds, not many but some. They may be overruns?? or the tips may be the wrong color or a little discoloration in the jacket.
  19. L

    do it yourself 22 fix

    Didnt 60 min do a piece about that gun doing the thing described??