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  1. F

    shilen competiton trigger dissembly

    Soak It I would suggest soaking (submerged) in in Lighter Fluid. A little vibration will all help loosen up the innerds. If you have access to a Sonic Bath Cleaner, this will speed up the job. Afterwards, plow it out with Air pressure. Watch out that you don't lose any of the parts when you...
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    Hoke Kerns has had a stroke

    Dorothy and I shot with Hoke on numerous occasions. She used to love taking him Apple Cake. Get well Hoke.
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    I waited untill now to mention this, But at 3:AM Sunday Morning, I Had A Heart Attack

    Jackie: Glad they found your problem. Sometimes they sneak up on you disguised as Heart Burn or Indigestion. I now have a total of 10 stents, after a Cabbage, as they refer to a Quad By-Pass, in 2001. Just this last Monday morning that same pain you described hit me at 2AM. Short trip to the...
  4. F

    ringing barrel question

    Hollow Stock I had a Lee Six, that developed a crack. It would make a ringing sound after that. Filled it with foam, and the ringing went away.
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    we need a humor forum.....until then

    Keeps moving On a trip to the range, I watched a guy in a business suit sighting in his new rifle. After three shots, he walked down to the target and moved it to the left. Came back and shot three more times, and went to check the target. Again, he moved it to the left. After the third...
  6. F

    Winchester 52 D trigger adjustment.

    CK Email Phil, Ck your Email.
  7. F

    What is the minimum spacing on center for benches on a .22 rimfire range?

    LH Shooter I'm LH, and love exchanging wallets with my neighbor. He's usually got more money that me.
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    Beeman 400/Diana 75 needs resealed...

    Pilkington I Had my CO-2, resealed by Pilkington.
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    we need a humor forum.....until then

    Hooters? I recently made an online purchase of a Jewell Trigger, from,and when I checked my bank statement, it showed up as *************hooters. Boy did I have a time explaining that one.
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    Need some advice on gun safe

    Size Matters What ever size you by, you will always find a gun in the corner, under the bed, in the closest and under your pillow.
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    Doug Weeter left the range today.

    Sad, that we loose the best. He was a great friend and we spent many emails together getting the ARA Scoring program fine tuned. He will be missed./ R.I.P Doug Weeter
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    South Bend Heavy 10

    Robot Mechanics Dream This is where the money is, keeping the Robots running.
  13. F

    how tall is a bench ?

    No set rule I've shot off out anywhere from 30" to 38". If this is your personal bench, make it where you are comfortable.
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    Opticle centering

    Depends And not the Underwear, what discipline you might be shooting. For a combo that includes long range, I would prefer that I had enough range in adjustments. Then I would be sure I was centered horizontally and had additional range for vertical.
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    Opticle centering

    John: Where is that information on their site. I can't find it there.
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    Velocity test with barrel being shortened 1" at a time

    Similar Test I did a similar test, only using four different barrels, different lengths. These were all 5 shot groups. I fouled the barrels with 5 shots, prior to each test.
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    Velocity test with barrel being shortened 1" at a time

    Accuracy? So how was the accuracy during these tests? Did it improve or was it a disaster?
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    Lapua Midas Ammo

    Test Facility I send my rifles to the Lapua Test Tunnel, and take the guesswork out of the equation. Find the best for you barrel and buy all you can.
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    Social Security.........this really pisses me off!!

    Cost Of Living Increase. If you don't know by now, The Increase in Medicare, took care of any increase in Social Security.
  20. F

    The worth while changes to IR 50/50 / attendance increase

    Throw the records out Any changes to the scoring or target, will result in frozen records and a new system all together.