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  1. sbindy

    How do I know?

    In addition to the windflags already mentioned, I would get some Match bullets in 52-53grs. I would also try VV N-133 and/or H322. Those powders have a proven record for accuracy in the .223. At least they do in mine:D I can instantly tell the difference in my rifle between match bullets and a...
  2. sbindy

    need help with benchmark powder.

    The lot I have makes the barrel look like a coal chute after 10 shots.
  3. sbindy

    Sinclair Power Center

    Its much easier to use than a drill. It stays in one place instead of wrestling to hold 2 tools. A drill will wear you out. The power center is easy to use, and it spins at a slower rpm. With a drill, it spun fast enough to heat up the brass and change the thickness of the cut. I like it.:D
  4. sbindy

    need help with benchmark powder.

    russell m My results with Benchmark is the same as yours. Great groups one day, crap the next. I tested it in my 30BR, along with alot of other powders, and it was the dirtiest powder of all of them, by far. I would have to shoot 50 rds of N-133 to even come close to the dirt left by 5 rds of...
  5. sbindy

    New and need some input.

    The Savage is an ok place to start, but I would buy a used one. Then get in touch with Sharp Shooters Supply and get either a 6PPC or 30BR barrel for it. I would also get one of the forend adapters from Sinclair and put it on the stock so that the forend is stabilized on the factory stock. Then...
  6. sbindy

    Has anyone hunted wolves?

  7. sbindy

    Has anyone hunted wolves?

    If one big one isnt enough, there are usually 5 or 6 hangin around with him! Magnums!? Better get a BAR:D
  8. sbindy

    Results of a severe overload in a 6mm BR (Norma)

    back-up scale About a year ago, I wound up with my digital scale next to my beam scale. Not out of forethought, but there have been a couple of occasions I was glad it was there. In setting the beam scale, I have missed it by 1 mark, which is 5 grains, twice. Once it was 5 grs too high, and...
  9. sbindy

    minimal resizing?

    The problem with body sizing a loaded round is that when the body is reduced, the shoulder will move forward. If your rounds are chambering hard already, this will not help. A Full Length bushing die, properly adjusted to set the shoulder back .001-.002 will do everything you are asking for...
  10. sbindy

    Chronograph . . . Uses for

    Montana Pete I had bought a chronograph a few years ago for the same reasons. To make my loads more consistent and see if the chrono could show why some shots would fly out of the group. The only time I get it out now is to see how fast a good load is going. I only shoot paper at 100yds, and...
  11. sbindy

    Muzzle brake

    I am in total agreement with this and it is easily proven. In my .308, the recoil is mild whether it is loaded with 150gr or a 180 gr bullet. The case only uses 42-45grs of powder. My .300 Win Mag uses 72-75grs of powder and it doesnt matter if your shooting 150 or 180gr bullet, it kicks 3 times...
  12. sbindy

    Primer Problem?

    Larry, After looking at the photo's and reading your post, I believe that changing the primers affected the pressure enough to give you less drop at 1000yds, but was that enough pressure to pop 2 primers? Possibly, but I would check the rest of those primers for cracks. The pinhole in the...
  13. sbindy


    Not with that bullet The 220gr Hornady bullet was developed for the .375 Winchester, a straight walled lever action cartridge, and has the ballistic coeffecient of a brick. A better choice would be the Sierra 300gr BTSP. If you plan on shooting much from the bench, there are much friendlier...
  14. sbindy

    Off-Center Bore

    Start at the top.
  15. sbindy

    Off-Center Bore

    Update I recut the O.D. of the barrel, recrowned and installed the barrel. Its old favorite load of 42 1/4 clicks of Benchmark shot best with 1 click off the measure. This rifle shot much better with NS cases and I had to FL them since I reinstalled the barrel. I will try it again with NS...
  16. sbindy

    308 win

    A 1-14" twist barrel sounds a little slow to work with bullets that fly well at 600yds.
  17. sbindy

    Off-Center Bore

    I am doing some work to my Savage in .223, and I shortened the barrel to 20". Partly to make the barrel stiffer and shoot better, and to get rid of a spot near the muzzle the fouled badly. After shortening, I noticed the bore wasnt in the center of the barrel anymore, and measured it. One side...
  18. sbindy

    30BR, 4198, 112's and Other Stuff

    Right now I am using Rem 7 1/2's and plan on testing other primers to see if there is anything to gain with another primer. The remington's are shooting well, I might add.
  19. sbindy

    Wilson dies advice please

    I use graphite on the necks when sizing. Still, it shouldn't take much force to size a neck unless the bushing is on the smallish side.
  20. sbindy

    Small Mag Primers in a 223

    The thick cups on these primers help prevent slamfires in an AR. They will work fine.:)