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  1. G

    Difficult Bolt Lift?

    Difficult bolt lift Yes that would do it' glad your squared away'
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    Difficult Bolt Lift?

    diff Check the scope mount BASE screws on the front and rear. they could be too long and be putting drag on the bolt. it's and easy fix.
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    Difficult Bolt Lift?

    Difficult bolt lift you have closed up the operating tolerance by having it plated. nickel drags ' and is sticky on moving parts. try lapping the bolt in or changing to one that is not plated.
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    3 K is enough to buy a decent rifle. Theres one for sale at accurate shooter for $2250 or so. Modern and up to date . The leupolds are still under warranty. with the extra you can buy a new barrel and be set. Also theres shooters corner like others have said Bob is a good guy to buy...
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    In your opinion whats killing the group game

    I just want to ask if i'm the only one wondering what,s killing the group game.
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    Unsportsmen like behaviour

    unsportsmen like behaviour I agree with Mike Low life,s in the games Lets help each other police this cheating.
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    Unsportsmen like behaviour

    unsportsmen like behaviour Yeah the games are being messed with on purpose some people are really screwed up'''
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    Unsportsmen like behaviour

    unsportsmen like behaviour Yes they claimed only 5 shots false'' the target shows 7 THey did mot triangulate the shots due to the target crew not hearing the command to triangulate the shot and no one on the target crew heard the command to triangulate the shots The shots came from...
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    Unsportsmen like behaviour

    unsportsmen like behaviour Because'' I aw it happen in my scope. Not 1 shot but 2 and after the person notified range master about the first one' I've seen plenty of cross fires over the years but this was obvious.
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    Unsportsmen like behaviour

    Have you noticed any? I did at a recent match. An unknown person deliberately shot into another competitors group enlarging it , Not 1 shot but 2 shots, and just before the ceasefire command. I guess some people are desperate to get a good agg
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    Union County Memorial Match

    union county memorial match Saturday was beautiful Sunday we drowned IT was rough but most of the shooters stayed to the end. I'm still trying to dry out. all in all a great match even with the weather. bless those kids on the target crew , They did a wonderful job
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    Bullet boxes - plastic or cardboard

    bullet boxes plastic or cardboard Try the MTM web site they have many sizes of plastic boxes. Only problem I have found was order quantity. Most are 1,000 or more
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    6mm 65-68 gr FB with different ogive`s ??????????

    6mm 65 68 gr fb different ogive, ?????? Reading this thread again. how much actual testing did you do? Finding the right seating with each bullet takes time.
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    Any body need a complete 6mm bullet making setup

    complete bullet making set up I wish you had more info on them. Like the die maker. .
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    No ,more shopping there for us stores and services are supposed top be non political. They are on my list along with Hertz etc etc
  16. G

    6mm 65-68 gr FB with different ogive`s ??????????

    65-68 FB with different ogives ???? Remember the 3 B,S Barrels Bedding and bullets. different shapes have different bearing surfaces. pointy bullets usually need more velocity. All bullets are a compromise to some degree. Some shoot best close in usually the blunter...
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    Mitt Romney

    mItt Romney Yes but will he be another McCain ? Will he vote along with the opposition most of the time or be absent when he can't make a decision? He was gov in Mass a ultra liberal state, What are his real beliefs? Does he believe in the US constitution ? Or is he like...
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    40 x actions

    40 X actions I guess you have yo look t the time frames as to the 40X actions Back in 1971 i bought a 40x Br . It had a test target with a .160 group on it fired by thee rifle. It was a 6/47 (6mm 222mag) The target had the complete load on it Bullet powder charge oal primer...
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    Wanna make barrels?

    Wanna make barrels? wow show us more of your shop'
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    Bob DeMonstoy

    Sorry to hear about Bob He surely will be missed by many.