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  1. rkittine

    Few Questions

    Forgot to ask. Are you talking Pistol or Rifle (though you said air rifle accuracy). I assume rifle for your other post. If you want to get Bit - You could do a Walther Olympic Rifle or a Morini or Match Guns Pistol. Bob
  2. rkittine

    Few Questions

    You can also talk to Charles Pearson at Champions Choice. "nikkonos" on eBay is a Canadian Supplier that I have dealt with and who has been responsive and also great prices, especially on imported things due to the weakness of the Canadian dollar. Bob
  3. rkittine

    Few Questions

    Sign up on Lots of people there that shoot competition airgun rifle and pistol. You can usually also find some of the High End stuff used too. Bob
  4. rkittine

    sizing dies

    All the dies for my precision rifles are custom made Whidden ones. I sent 5, three times fired (with only neck sizing) cases to Whidden and they made the dies. For rifles that I do not own my own reamers for, I have not done that since, the next barrel and chamber job may be different then the...
  5. rkittine

    LV 30br

    Not sure where Clarence Hammond gets his stocks, but this is my Switch Barrel Bat Action BR Rifle he built as an interchangeable class gun. I do not shoot free recoil so I am less concerned about balance. With the weight in the butt stock it weighs just under 13.5 pounds and with it out, just...
  6. rkittine

    Walmart hide your guns

    We don't have to worry here on Long Island. Walmart hasn't sold any kind of gun here for years and have been phasing out ammunition and most everything directly gun related. Bob
  7. rkittine

    Sightron 45x or 15x-50x

    I also have the fixed 45 and like it, but do like to be able to crank down when conditions dictate and have a few of their variables.
  8. rkittine

    A Blast From The Past.....This Is Me In 1977

    I had a hydroplane that looked a lot like that. I was 15 and it was back in the early 60s. Only difference was mine had a big old 15 HP outboard on it. Now yours looks like real fun. Bob
  9. rkittine

    Looking for a new bench box?

    Boyd Allen helped me set up one of my old leather Jeppesen Flight Chart cases as a carry all for the necessities to reload at the bench in a small light package. I don't have it where I am at the moment or I would post some pictures, but maybe Boyd can post them. I have seen Harley Baker's rig...
  10. rkittine

    Reloading classes

    Would love to find a mentor on Long Island that I could learn from and shoot with. Boyd Allen has been giving me advise from afar. Bob Kittine 631-374-9652 I have all the equipment. Clarence Hammond built rifle in 6PPC, SEB NEO rest and reloading equipment plus powder, primers...
  11. rkittine

    Reloading classes

    Would love to get some contact information for anyone shooting short range bench rest on Long Island. I asked this once before and only got one name and when I contacted him, he said he no longer shot. Bob
  12. rkittine

    Shipping costs:

    I have a similar problem this week with some very light, but bulky tubing. $23.45 for the tubing, total of $53.00 with tax and shipping. How it is shipped, how bulky it is and whether the sender charges a Handling Fee, all adds to the total. Now that larger suppliers have to charge sales tax...
  13. rkittine

    used benchrest rifles?

    Bob White of The Shooters Corner always has a bunch of Used Custom Built Benchrest rifles available for sale. He specializes in them and varmint rifles and I have always found him to be honest and straight forward about what he is selling. He runs a clinic and seminar each year on benchrest...
  14. rkittine

    Tony Boyer benchrest school

    I would love to take a course with Tony. I have been trying to get Bob White and Harley Baker to put on something more advanced than the Cherry Ridge clinic and sure willing to pay for it. I have done the Williamsport 1,000 yard Bench Rest School three times and that is now about $500.00 each...
  15. rkittine

    Reloading classes

    I would love to take a 6PPC Reloading Class. Where are those listed offered? I am on Long Island and also spent a lot of time in the Lower New York, Manhattan and Northern New Jersey are. I was offered help by Harley Baker, but I could never make my schedule work at the time. Thanks, Bob
  16. rkittine

    1000 Yard Benchrest School

    The School Got canceled for this season, but get ahold of the club and join. At only $60.00 a year it is money well spent. I am sure that if you tie up with a coupled of the regulars, Joe Salt, Andy etc. you will get some great mentoring. Bob
  17. rkittine

    Well, I Guess COVID-19 Has Finally Got Marilyn and Me

    Jackie, I hope you and yours gets well soon. I know it is no fun. I had it and was very sick for 2 weeks and pretty sick for 3 more. Now after another almost 8 more, I am still weak and my doctor said that is normal and it may take a long time to get better assuming it does get better. I now...
  18. rkittine

    What is the appeal of F Class?

    Back in the 60s, I shot 50 foot RF and still have all those shinny metals. Then when the program was made available I started shooting 500 yard Prone, Sitting and Offhand with a Springfield O3-A3 and metal sights, until we were able to buy guns through the government. Still have my M-1 Garand...
  19. rkittine

    Triggertech vs Jewel?

    At $50.00 I will take a few, CN or USD
  20. rkittine

    new rifle

    I have a Change Over Rifle. It makes <10.5 with the weight taken out of the butt stock and <13.5 with it in. That does put the balance off, but since I do not shoot free recoil, it does not seem to be a problem. Bob