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  1. T

    McMillan benchrest stock?

    The BRMXD is the bolt on lug. The BRM is the traditional lug.
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    McMillan benchrest stock?

    Well its too late for that.
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    McMillan benchrest stock?

    Looking for opinions on what to order. Shell construction Carbon or fiberglass? Fill:EDGE or Ehanced EDGE? Pillars , go with their 1/2" or they will drill to spec and go with 5/8 front and 9/16 rear? Action is Borden BRM with the .250 recoil lug. Barrel is 23" from the recoil lug is 1.250...
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    chambering thru headstock

    I would think for the heat to get hot enough to change the dimensions of the boltface it would do an awful number on the brass? Ive used heat expansion and cold to install bearings on shafts or in cases a few times and it takes a fair bit of heat depending on the material so i get the...
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    Triggertech vs Jewel?

    Has anyone tried a Triggertech Diamond trigger? How did it compare to a Jewel BR? Im debating on a trigger for my Borden BRM action for my 30br benchrest build. I looked at Bix N Andy as well but thats over 50 dollars here in Canada. Thanks
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    New to 30 BR - Robinnett case specs

    On a similar question is there a way to measure the actual neck diameter? Thanks
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    New to 30 BR - Robinnett case specs

    Those are a great idea. Ill have to see i can get someone to make me a couple. Thanks
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    Dan Opel

    Is this the same man that owned Plenty O Patches? If so he was a great person to deal with. Either way R.I.P
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    The fifth shot

    I agree with the first shot on score hurts especially when you got 5 to 10 in the same hole in the sighters. Another one that hurts is after going clean for 49 shots and lose one on the last shot.
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    Sako bedding

    When bedding would there be an advantage to not inletting for the trigger until after the bedding is done? Also with the pillars do you want a small amount of clearance between the action screws and the pillars? If so how much? Would just he weight of the action and no clamping force give you a...
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    Stock info?

    Couple of quick questions . How far up the side of the action should the stock be? Half way or less ? How thick and deep should the stock be at the action? Thanks
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    Marine Tex Bedding

    Which marine tex product do you use?
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    will this work ?

    Got any pictures of this setup? Also will fireforming this way still work if your using the shorter 30br chamber (1.510)? To do so would you trim the 6br brass to 1.500 before firing? And what sort of powder and wax do use? Also is there any advantage to fireforming over expanding? Do you...
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    Good day at the Range

    This is a process I would love to learn and get into mainly for personal use. It's hard to find good bullets in Canada. I wonder if the lead wire is readily available here?
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    stock design question?

    Are the IBS rules and NBRSA rules the same as far as stock design is concerned? Does the forend have to be parallel with the action or can it have a slope to it?
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    stock design question?

    Does anyone have a link to the rules for the stocks for heavy varmint for score? Like the slope required and so forth? The stock is this winters project.
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    stock design question?

    It was pointed out to me that the long range benchrest guys use this setup.
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    stock design question?

    Right now Im using a cowan rest and a edgewood front bag. Im probably never going to shoot a registered match as the closest is probably a 3 day drive away.
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    stock design question?

    This rifle will be used only for local club matches as any registered matches are too far away for me to travel to.
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    stock design question?

    Anyone see any advantage or disadvantage of only having the two outer edges of the stock touching the front bag instead of all three inch riding the bag? Im thinking just leaving a 1/2" on each side and routering out the center area. Im thinking it might decrease the chances of the stock...