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    My first screamer

    Congratulations! Every screamer is special! Let's hope this is the start for many more to come! Bill McIntyre
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    Lowell Hottenstein... Your Prayers Needed Now!

    Sorry to hear the sad news. Our thoughts and prayers go out to his family. Rest in Peace! Bill McIntyre
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    My First Real Bench Rest Build

    Hi Bob, Here is some information on the Winter League at Central Jersey. Bob White is usually a participant at these matches. Central Jersey Winter Benchrest Well, the winter benchrest season is finally here. The first match of the year at Central Jersey begins this Sunday, 10-4-2015. I...
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    Mainville 2 gun results

    Here are the top 10 2-gun results from Mainville. 1 Al Auman .2294 2 Jeff Peinhardt .2545 3 Harley Baker .2569 4 Bill McIntyre .2585 5 Bob Brushingham .2622 6 Barney Small .2718 7 Wyatt Peinhardt .2790 8 Russel Rains...
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    HV Shooters that hung out to finish the NBRSA National's

    Hi Russ, Since you and I have discussed this topic before, I know where you are coming from. I drafted a petition at the IBS nationals for the members to vote on which would allow a match director of a Nationals match to consider a different format than the current one which has the Unlimited...
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    Update for Eastern Reginals

    Congratulations Jeff! Fantastic shooting! Wyatt shot a good match as well! Hey Bob B. you have been consistently good all year! Good luck tomorrow! Bill McIntyre
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    loading block for rail guns

    Hi Jerry, I would be interested in seeing that shell holder. I usually have my rounds placed on a towel, but at Weikert there was very little room on some of the benches and anything that changes your routine is not a good thing! Thanks, Bill
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    loading block for rail guns

    Hi, I am trying to find out who makes the loading blocks and attachments that I have seen on some Young railguns. It sure would make things a lot easier when you have very little room available at the bench to place your shells. Thanks, Bill McIntyre
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    Congratulation Hal and thanks for posting the results. Family commitments kept me from attending what appears to have been a great match! It looks like you and Al were battling it out all weekend! Nice shooting Wyatt and Bob Brushingham! Hey Tony Cerrone, your back must be feeling better...
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    Thanks to the crew running the match at Kane

    I want to thank all involved in the PA State Championship match at Kane this past weekend. All involved did a fantastic job! The target crew worked really hard and the match director did a wonderful job. It is truly amazing to have a hard copy of the match results available to you in an...
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    Congratulations Hal! Are you heading up to Kane this weekend? They usually have a good turn out there. Bill McIntyre
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    Camillus Pro-Am IBS Group Shoot Results

    Congratulations Bob on your 2-gun win! Hope to see you in a couple of weeks at Kane! Bill McIntyre
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    Any news from Mainville?

    Hi Kent, Thanks for the update! Bill McIntyre
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    Any news from Mainville?

    Are there any reports from Mainville? I am still recovering from the back pull I got at the Nationals and wasn't able to attend. It would appear that they had nice weather! Thanks, Bill McIntyre
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    Wyatt Peinhardt wins unlimited 200 at IBS Group Nationals

    Congratulations Wyatt! That was some fantastic shooting! He even put together a real nice group and his action was loose! Maybe that's his secret. Shoot the group with the action in a horizontal position! Bill McIntyre
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    Donald Gentner Passed On

    Sad to hear the news of Don's passing. He was a good friend and taught me early on about benchrest shooting. He use to stay at our house in the Outer Banks and loved to surf fish. He and his family will be in our prayers! Bill & Patty McIntyre
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    Russsell Rains wins South Creek

    Hi Russ, Congratulations and nice shooting! You should be in fine form for the Nationals in a couple of weeks! See you soon! Bill McIntyre
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    Larry Costa

    Congratulations Larry. I think you have this benchrest thing figured out. Hope to see you at the Nationals! Bill McIntyre
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    Wyatt Peinhardt .2953 19th SUPER SHOOT 2 GUN AGGRAGATE!!!

    Congratulations Wyatt, Wow, Top 20 at the Super Shoot! Great Shooting. You and Jeff are having a great start to another benchrest season. Keep up the great work and do take it easy on us older folks. Hope to see you and your dad at the Nationals! Bill McIntyre
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    Any news from Weikert?

    Congratulations Larry and thanks for the information. It seems that there are a few more youngsters shooting at each match and that is a great thing to see. Great shooting Kevin Donald Jr. That is a tough crowd you were competing with. How about youngster Howie Levy. Way to go Howie! Jeff...